It cannot be emphasized often enough: the clever part of the global economy is investing massively in the latest innovations in nuclear power and is backing this ecologically clean technology of the future. Whatever is going on in the childish minds of German politicians, the bill for this catastrophic political failure to destroy nuclear power in the country is being paid by the people of Germany. This country has been economically sidelined by naive ideological seduction and it will take a long time to overcome the consequences of this catastrophe.
But it looks like Germany is not even prepared to make a diagnosis (what about the Russia sanctions??) in order to honestly work through what triggered the energy crisis and how far the de-industrialization that was initiated by the green transformation policy has already progressed.
The loss of purchasing power of German households combined with the crumbling of the productivity of the German economy is an unprecedented development at this point in time. And with its ideological rampage, Germany is taking the European economy as a whole with it, like a gigantic tanker that has been deliberately sunk by a stubbornly drunk captain and is dragging the boats around it down with it in its downward pull. It's all a disaster from an ethical point of view too.
About time
Funny how nuclear doesn't get the attention it deserves until the techno-state needs more energy for their power hungry AI data centers.
If only we had set a course for nuclear energy independence a decade ago.
Maybe this can pave the way through regulatory burden and enable more companies to produce and operate SMRs.
I had the same thought. It is crazy that it took big tech needing more energy to get the actual process rolling.
When mega corps want something it happens. At least it does today. They have bought the politician off.
what happened to "the green deal" or "too much energy use is not good - see bad Bitcoin"? These people are out of control... they forgot what Kardashev said - "the advancement of the society is determine by its energy use..."
You are just trying to manipulate people. Ukraines war or exportations downturn is not the fault of German people’s choice for a better energy. Green new deal here is the key. Less dependency to the gas/oil price fluctuations is the promesse of the GND.
Exactly. I am trying to manipulate people to start critical thinking. Your 'Green bs Deal' is dead. Welcome to reality, buddy. Communism never worked, central planning is something for really stupid or unexperienced people. Study the new tech in nuclear and You get an idea where the world will be turning to.
How long do you think it will take for them to realize? Will it have to be a new generation of politicians to make things happen?
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 20 Oct
Internalized self hatred and self immolation.
You have to deliberately mislead yourself to not understand how cheap energy leads directly to a competitive economy and increased productivity...
Its important for any form of production. Clean energy is such a weight lifted off peoples shoulders when its just there. It drives production and innovation.
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 20 Oct
I'm bullish on nuclear. Glad to see these companies forging ahead with it, even if it is annoying to watch it being trigger by AI.
My wife noticed these stories as well and asked me why wasn't anyone really complaining about AI energy use like they do with Bitcoin mining.
Told her some are but no where near like is done with Bitcoin. The hypocrisy is obvious.
I still think there will be a massive AI bust but hopeful the fear over nuclear power will die as a result of its wider adoption.
Civilization needs energy to thrive. Better to have clearer energy that is dependable and efficient.
The fear over nuclear will not disappear unless people become amnesic. We won’t forget Tchernobyl, Fukushima, the Three Miles Island, Kyshtym, Romans-sur-Lisière,FBFC in la Manche, Orano in la Hague, Vandellos, etc. Etc. Without even talking about delays like Flamanville (11 years and 10 billions additional cost) or storage waste problems as WIPP
World is preparing for WW3
47 sats \ 2 replies \ @xz 21 Oct
Instead of preparing, the representitives of planet Earth could just stop being dicks.
But You know that they are here to make the big bucks? The war machine is a cash cow for the parasitic class
47 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 21 Oct
I suppose you have a point there. Also, I suppose it doesn't with people apeing into Palantir, Raytheon and the myriad 'defence tech' contractors and suppliers. Halliburton fanboys et al.
The silence when Amazon, Apple, Google need to find more energy is staggering.