I'm bullish on nuclear. Glad to see these companies forging ahead with it, even if it is annoying to watch it being trigger by AI.
My wife noticed these stories as well and asked me why wasn't anyone really complaining about AI energy use like they do with Bitcoin mining.
Told her some are but no where near like is done with Bitcoin. The hypocrisy is obvious.
I still think there will be a massive AI bust but hopeful the fear over nuclear power will die as a result of its wider adoption.
Civilization needs energy to thrive. Better to have clearer energy that is dependable and efficient.
The fear over nuclear will not disappear unless people become amnesic. We won’t forget Tchernobyl, Fukushima, the Three Miles Island, Kyshtym, Romans-sur-Lisière,FBFC in la Manche, Orano in la Hague, Vandellos, etc. Etc. Without even talking about delays like Flamanville (11 years and 10 billions additional cost) or storage waste problems as WIPP