I've been looking at this for the last year. I'm thinking I want to get into this. I spun up an antenna on the Helium Network and have been looking for messaging solutions built on that, since it has such a massive network. Haven't found anything there yet. Anyways, thanks for the info and the inspiration.
Can you recommend a good link to learn about the Helium network?
Helium network is a nonsense shitcoin thing. They took the free and open source LoRa stuff, shoved an inflationary shitcoin on it and it started selling prepackaged nodes for their little thing.
Don't disagree with you. But they do have a massive network of antenna's that makes me think about the network they have in regards to LoRa. I don't see any development on it though.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll be avoiding that!
I guess I would go to the source. https://www.helium.com Beware. You won't get your money back on an antenna system for about 10 years. They have the mobile version (5G) which is interesting. https://hellohelium.com/hotspot/indoor I thought about testing the phone plan since it's only $20/month and runs on the Tmobile network as well as their hotspots. Anyways, this is getting off track.
I just discovered that Helium is an altcoin. I am not interested. I am a bitcoin only guy.