Thanks for posting this @siggy47 and the forward.
I will add that this tech is only valuable if you build a community around it. IE, you need to get out of your basement and connect with others. In my area there is already a group and they have done one meetup. Hoping they will do another that I can attend and make real relationships.
These guys are trying to cover our area with nodes in high places so that we can have the infrastructure and contacts before we really need them. The time to learn and make contacts is when things are going well.
At a minimum I want each of my family members to have radios and be able to communicate off grid in the areas we frequent. I have a long way to go. Gonna need to get access to some high points to add solar radios.
This tech is very beta as well. But this is the time to get in on it though. It does work and it won't get better without real users. Like bitcoin, we are making it more accessible by using it and finding issues and reporting them.
Thanks for writing this.