For as long as I can remember our family has always had at least one Golden Retriever if not two. In June we lost our last Golden and since then my parents have only had our 16 year old cat Bella who is on palliative care. My dad as much as he always would state I’m not getting attached to this or that dog always did and our last Golden’s passing really hit him hard.
My mom and I knew that at some point our dogs would send us another one. Over the last couple of weeks my mom has checked in with the rescue we have striped all of our dogs from to let them know we were at the point of being interested. Now this was all unknown to me and the day after I flew in my mom told me after a doctor appointment she thought she had found the one.
When we met her on Saturday it was love at first sight with my mom and so River came home with us! She is a three year old female Golden who has had two litters before. Since she has come home and gotten used to the house she has really started to show her personality and it is so so sweet! My dad was sold on her within an hour of her getting home as she started to act exactly like our last dog Mardi did.
To me though it is her striking similarity to my baby boy Rusty that has my attention. She is a Velcro Golden always wanting to be with you though sometimes when people are in different rooms she doesn’t know who she wants to hang out with more!
These first three are the car ride home!
Here she thought that the lamb platers was a real lamb and was a little hesitant about it.

Testing out the new bed! It passed inspection!

Here she is sleeping with me! She is a huge Bones fan and watches the show with me till I fall asleep!