I love the idea of ~magic, but I gotta say it would probably wreck the territory.
You've built a brand (sorry to use such a corporate word here) and I know what it is. It's parent corner and a bunch of random other stuff.
I fear that people won't know what to post in ~magic. Maybe the answer is to focus on cultivating the things you'd like to see in your territory.
It's already got a great vibe and people will identify with what's posted there more than what it's name is.
I forgot to mention parent corner. That is definitely something I love seeing in alter_native. I didn't know if alternative had established much of a "brand" but just about all the feedback here would suggest you are right. Which Is great. I just wasn't sure. I like the idea of continuing to cultivate here to help shape alternative as well as sharing other territories more often. I can be a little more focused without changing the whole idea.