It has become clear to me that anything someone might post in alter_native could easily be posted in another space. I know. I'm slow sometimes.
alter_native thinkers tend to enjoy ~ideasfromtheedge. In the alter_native, we like to get philosophical with @frostdragon. I personally love to talk about ~movies and ~music. Many of us enjoy expansion so we question ~spirituality and seek to better understand ~science. @Coinsreporter shares awesome ~news in the alter_native daily! Human ~health and what ~foods_and_drinks we consume are one of my favorite topics of discussion. The alter_native has many animal lovers who love to share about ~cats_and_dogs. @thatastrologydude would probably find more of an audience for his awesome work if he posted in ~spirituality, the space ~anna just brought back.
What were my initial intentions in starting this territory?
I wanted to help set the tone for a space where I would want to hang out online. An unmoderated communication platform where ideas flow freely with little judgment. A cove to be vulnerable. A retreat for individuals. A space to share ~art. An alternative.
Turns out, Stacker News is the the alter_native
Thank you @k00b @ek and everyone who makes stacker what it is. πŸ™ You all are truly inspiring. I feel blessed to be here with you trailblazers.
Now what?
What does alternative even mean within this space?
Why am I keeping a space that's all about what I want?
I feel my intentions were selfish. And I am considering making a change. I want to spend more energy supporting other territories and stackers. I want to hold a territory with a more defined focus that still inspires me and appeals to others, while being unique within stacker news.
My favorite idea so far πŸ‘‡
I love to dream. I love stories and great story tellers. I enjoy the ~magic of when our ~dreams meet our ~history. Life is but a dream after all. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
I am seeing a place for stackers to come and share their dreams and tell stories. The sleepy ones and the ones for the future. I want to help set the tone among a community of ~seekers and all those who ~wish to manifest their own realities and create from a ~dream. A message board addressed to the ~universe
What do you think?
What kind of territory would you found?
What do you think suits @DesertDave
Should I leave it as is?
As of now , what is ~alter_native for you?
What do you think about these names?
theDream dream_machine lifeisbutadream magic love wish dream
Maybe the name should stay while changing the concept?
I appreciate all of your feedback and ideas. I'm excited to hear from all of you. I love you all. πŸ’šπŸ™πŸͺ„
254 sats \ 1 reply \ @Scoresby 21h
I love the idea of ~magic, but I gotta say it would probably wreck the territory.
You've built a brand (sorry to use such a corporate word here) and I know what it is. It's parent corner and a bunch of random other stuff.
I fear that people won't know what to post in ~magic. Maybe the answer is to focus on cultivating the things you'd like to see in your territory.
It's already got a great vibe and people will identify with what's posted there more than what it's name is.
I forgot to mention parent corner. That is definitely something I love seeing in alter_native. I didn't know if alternative had established much of a "brand" but just about all the feedback here would suggest you are right. Which Is great. I just wasn't sure. I like the idea of continuing to cultivate here to help shape alternative as well as sharing other territories more often. I can be a little more focused without changing the whole idea.
I appreciate you making this post - to be completely honest, I wasn't sure what the specific intention behind this territory was, and generally there wasn't a specific "philosophy / deep thoughts / life questions" space, which is why I started ~FiresidePhilosophy... I think there's still going to be some overlap between that territory and this one, but my impression of ~alter_native is that it's intentionally unstructured. I say if that's working well, keep it up!
Just leave jt as it is. Don't overthink. It's an alternative to anything what stackers think. Let them decide. I read your intro to the territory that has defined accurately what it's all about.
That seems to be what everyone is saying so far. I do tend to over think things. I had a clear vision with it originally and as long as there are others that feel that, I am happy. I may just start sharing in other territories more so I can feel like I am supporting other territories.
Maybe I leave this territory as is and just focus on posting in other territories when my share could easily fit somewhere else.
If it ain't broke...
I guess it has been going pretty well here. It's helpful to hear from others that they get a sense of what I am going for. I overthink things often.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 21 Oct
I love posting here because the space is wide open. You can post stories about your life like I have that don’t fit well elsewhere and those that they brush up against have posting fees of like 1k. Those territories tend to be much less active because of the fee associated with posting. You have a great price point(tbh you could even increase it some and I don’t think many people would mind) and people are just much more active in this territory compared to others!
That's great to hear. That is all part of what I want or to be for sure. That's feels like another point for keeping it as is.
I like to post in this one when it doesn’t fit other territories. And the fee is well priced
Interesting. That kind of was part of my original intention as well. That's a great point for me to keep it as is I feel.
Works for me haha . Find you won’t get enough traffic if you make it too narrow?
That's another thought I had. Great point..
Whatever it takes to keep you here is fine with me, @DesertDave ! :-)
Zapped you 3k now, and I'll get around to more content that fits ~altern_native too, or wherever we'll hang around in the same spirit!
I am not going anywhere. I love it here. Thank you so much for your support and contributions. I really appreciate you. I'm excited to see where this all goes.
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @rebel_nomad 20h
Thanks & likewise!
Totally respect hunkering down, would have done so if my own country had not gone totally, batshit insane in commie ways...
I might still have a safe haven where I'm at now, but the globalists are now meddling with even this culture... So I'll have to spend some time outside, and also be ready to bail worst case.
Oh well, I always enjoyed the nomadic style anyway! ;-)
That sounds so intense. I am not a super proud American type person. But I do really appreciate that we have a lot of things really good for us. I don't know about where it's headed but I am doing my best to be prepared for whatever comes.
Huge zap! Thanks.
If we won't use Bitcoin it will fail :-)
Also you're investment grade in my universe hehehe
I'm feeling so grateful right now. It's easy for me to get lost and different thought loops and forget that people can see me sometimes. And friends like you help me feel seenπŸ™
We've been invisible for too long, now its our turn to shine! ;-)
Looking forward to (hopefully) helping weird, wild, young ones escape to buidl!
If you make one called ~love or ~relationship_advice or ~AITA I GUARANTEE you’ll get more posts! But I don’t think that’s what you’re going for!
It’s hard to think of a good territory. You’re right we’re lucky to have SN!
Yeah. I am not going for love in the sense that many might think. What is AITA?
Am I the a hole
Haha. Never heard that before. That's an interesting name.
I suppose I could still share my dreams here without changing anything. Lat night I was hanging out with Jim Carrey. It was pretty awesome.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @anna 21 Oct
I like the idea to explore alternatives. Encourage people to think outside of the status quo. Maybe some of that crosses with ideasfromtheedge, but I think this space encourages creativity
Thank you. Honestly inspiring creativity might be what I want the most. I want a place for people to share themselves. Not so much a place for information or debate.
How about ~noManLand instead of ~alter_native? or something similar.
I like those names. More attractive I think. The wild west within the wild west.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @random_ 21 Oct
Merge with based.
Interesting. What does that look like? I have paid for a year here and I plan to get the lifetime this year.
Best timing of time for the great change.
I think if I am going to make a big change like this, I would want to do it soon before stacker grows a lot more.