Again, your statist mind is speaking. WHO fund the nation states conflicts? Answer this question and you will have the solution. A nation state will never go against a single individual. And the most powerful nation state IS the individual. The sovereign individual.
But if you still want to be a shitizen, inside your nation state (prison), go ahead, I have nothing against that. But do not try to put me inside with you. I do not consent.
No, most individuals are incapable of surviving alone. Watch Alone! Try living in the bush for a week. Learn how weak you are alone! Nations states compete for dominance- it is in the DNA of life. If you want to be a rock alone ok good luck - otherwise the quality life for most people is largely reliant on the strength of the nation state they happen to be part of.
For myself I am happy to pay taxes and be a part of the democratic process as apathetic and disengaged and cynical as so many sadly are now- its worth fighting for. I accept the benefits of living in a liberal western democracy and the extensive freedoms that I can enjoy within it. I believe I enjoy greater freedom than the vast majority of people on earth- I can do as I please within fairly liberal and reasonable boundaries.
That said IMO Bitcoin is a healthy competitive challenge to the overly embedded fiat hegemony composed of rentseeking private bankers that has captured our governments.
100 sats \ 5 replies \ @javier 21h
Your "liberal western democracy" is rapidly de-evolving into communism. Because that's what democracies tend to. And even in communism, a lot of people are happy, because they love slavery and avoid responsibility at any cost. It's called evil people, and there are only two possible outcomes for this:
  1. Evil (socialist) people win, then massive destruction and suffering will happen.
  2. Good (anarchist) people win, then we initiate a massive evolution that will carry us to the stars and impressive technology and good life.
And the state is the tool of the evil people, people who do not want to be responsible of their acts. Bitcoin is the tool of good people, the people who want to be responsible of their acts.
There are definitely problems in western liberal democracies. Democracies depend upon enough citizens being prepared to voluntarily contribute to the process and believe in the process and I accept that willingness to contribute and believe is breaking down. For me capture of elected representatives by corproate sponsors is a major cause of the cynicism and apathy which is evident. I see Bitcoin as a significant potential challenge to the corporate sponsors and crony capitalists (bankers), but citizen apathy is another side of the same coin. Got to go to dinner. cheers.
100 sats \ 3 replies \ @javier 21h
Democracies depend upon enough citizens being prepared to voluntarily contribute to the process.
Wrong. You are forced.
You misunderstand- in most democracies you are not forced to participate in the democratic process. Democracy depends on enough people voluntarily engaging and participating or it becomes more and more operated by a small group of cronies who dominate the process. This is what has already happened and western liberal democracies show many signs of dying. You might find what replaces them even less to your liking. But then it will be too late to easily do much about it. Ask the majority of people on this planet, who do not live in the liberal western democracies- the developing and third world who live in the scraps we leave them after plundering the best of their resources. Entitles and naive Libertarians are arguably complicit with handing over global hegemony to China.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 19h
I accept the reality of the power structures as they are...not blindly accepting them or totally rejecting them- but working with the reality. We are all the government. You think you can live outside the state- I wager one million satoshis you would not last long outside of the structures the state provides you. Its all empty echo chamber Libertarian bravado. Go on Alone and see how long you last- I give you 12 hours before you'd be a whimpering wreck begging for a blanket, a hamburger and a coke.
For myself I am happy to pay taxes and be a part of the democratic process
Fails to respond with reasoned fact based dialogue. Loses, by default, the good faith contest of ideas. Descends to trollery.
I do not have to talk with a statist.
You cannot refute my points.