Shots Fired

This is @DesertDave original post in ~alter_native #734522
On my podcast It’s So Early! I recorded myself reading it out loud so the @Golu @Coinsreporter brothers could listen, and also offered my own thoughts. Here is the link to the episode on fountain [8:28]:


Here is the transcript of my thoughts after I read his post. Please start your judgment of me with one of the following: [NTA]: Not the A-hole [YTA]: You’re the A-hole [NAH]: No A-holes here [ESH]: Everyone Sucks Here

Your territory has a cost

I love you too, @DesertDave, and I've given you the best compliment of saying that you're a great listener. Then therefore, this is my pitch to you that I hope you do not tell me that I, @realBitcoindog, that I am the a-hole. You are absolutely right. We are so lucky to have Stacker News. This is a place that has become your alternative overall, the whole site, all of it. And while you had the best of intentions founding your Territory, they were misguided. You see, it's all about stacking sats when it comes to making a Territory. I know I made a post saying it's about making friends and not stacking sats, but let's be real. Your Territory has a cost. It's 100,000 sats a month, and you have a dream to pay 3 million sats to own a Territory for a lifetime. If Bitcoin wasn't scarce, if there wasn't digital scarcity, you wouldn't even be asking this question. But ultimately, you're not getting traffic. You're not driving engagement. And it's big of you to face those facts. You're very mature to recognize that you can still have a fantastic time in Stacker News in other Territories.

Get Controversial

But when you make a Territory, you need controversy. You need gossip. You need it to be obvious that people want to make a post, and it goes in your Territory. So of course, you can make a Territory called love. But what's the next step of love? Not love. Relationship advice. Gossip. Everyone loves gossip to weigh in. Who was the right person? Who was the wrong person? How do you fix them? But ultimately, that leads to the greatest controversy, the things everybody loves, AITA.


Am I the a-hole? Please, online community who doesn't know me in real life, who doesn't know my personality traits, or the nuance of every conversation, and is only hearing my side, please validate me and tell me that I am the one who is right and they're all wrong. That is a Territory that would drive spice in life. That is a Territory that would get people to click, to get that cheap feeling of satisfaction that they're better than the OP. Does that fit your personality at all, @DesertDave? I'm not sure. But hearing myself cackle at the idea of it, it's clearly mine. But I'll admit, it's going to be tough for me to get permission from my spouse to support me with 100,000 sats to even do this Territory for a month. But it's fun. I'm on paternity leave.

Who will answer my call?

I'm obsessed with Stacker News. So let this be my call to find out, is there anyone who will split the sats with me so that we can charter this Territory together? Thank you, @DesertDave. You finally inspired me. What's a Territory that I would want to start? Am I the a-hole? You tell me, audience. You tell me, stackers. Till next time. Peace. Oh, and it's so early!
231 sats \ 13 replies \ @Golu 4h
Thanks for the mention. You deserve to have an AITA! 😂
Well so is your vote [YTA]?
@grayruby is good to help co-found and throw in 25k sats for a month so I’ll give him a 25% cut for my posts!
What say you @Golu or @Coinsreporter? Are you able to help fund these shenanigans?
I’ll record myself reading out the best posts!!
25% cut for my posts!
  • All your posts dedicated in any territory?
  • What about revenue sharing?
  • What would be the agenda to proceed with the territory?
I'm all fun until it's not about real business. If you're just pushing it for fun, I won't agree. A real plan with focused implementation is a must before we reach an agreement. Though, I like your initial idea about YTA from whatever I get.
Hey I’m open minded! I’m just a cowboy shooting for the hip pew pew.
Is @jeff ~Econ purely donation based? Only the territory owner gets the sats. How do u track sats earned from your territory @grayruby?
I just know if I make a post, I can split the revenue from my own post, that’s all!
I’m open to any sort of plan for profit sharing, tho sounds like ppl tend to lose money from territories not make money
30 sats \ 8 replies \ @grayruby 3h
When you get your daily rewards notifications, it tells you how many sats you earned from the territory.
Doesn't the 'top filter' say about the revenue and how much a territory has earned in a specific course of time?
So it’d be easy to give u 25% share then!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 2h
There is no way to split territory revenue currently. We would have to sort it out. Good way to test Bolt 12.
Could you imagine if like @AG we made an @AITA nym whose only purpose was to be territory founder, and we attached a Bolt 12 wallet to it such that it auto withdraws half of all its data to you and half to me?
Obviously trust would be involved, but who cares! That’s what trust is for, right?
Sounds like you’ve thought about this!
ppl tend to lose money from territories not make money.
Not that much as we're before. And I believe territories are going to be profitable in near future.
312 sats \ 1 reply \ @DesertDave 7h
Thanks for your kind words and the mention of me, alter_native, my post and all that. Your excitement gets me more excited. My reason for having a territory isn't much about stacking sats to be honest. I do believe in the very long term it will. It's like my mining setup. I spent tons of Bitcoin to make that happen. Will I ever make that back? I don't know. But it feels good. And now my sats are kyc free and are born from my very own sunlight.
I am okay with alter_native not being super popular. I am want quality over quantity. I am definitely not the type to drive up hype with drama. Maybe I shouldn't even be a territory owner. I don't know. But listening to so many kind stackers reply to that post helped me remember what I wanted alter_native to be about in the beginning. And I feel solid about that now. And I trust it will grow as fast as it needs to. Once I lay it off for lifetime, it will feel like free sats for life after that. Just like my mining. I am all about a feeling aligned with a vision. And I want to be a part of this. I don't care about money.
AITA sounds like a great idea. Not the type of thing I would be behind. I am sure I would enjoy it if you founded it though. I love your enthusiasm and I am excited to see what you build here. Thanks for your support. It fills me with joy that I played a role in inspiring you💚
Perfect!! Hey if my offering a counterpoint inspires you to stay the course, then it was worth it! 🫡
Low time preference. ~alter_native will be a haven ready and waiting to shepherd in cowboys when they’ve strayed far from home.
Thank you @Undisciplined for commenting with the SN link!
What I’m hearing is there is interest in co-founding an AITA territory even for just a month? Who’s in??
1011 sats \ 7 replies \ @grayruby 5h
Sure. I will invest in you @realBitcoinDog. 25k sats from me if you can get a couple more parties to join to pitch in.
Oh snap!! Ok let’s make this happen! For a month!
I’ll see if I can drum up some support so we can have some fun 😈
33 sats \ 5 replies \ @grayruby 4h
I am sure you can twist @Undisciplined’s arm.
The only territory I'm subsidizing for now is ~econ.
@Undisciplined I always said you have a voice for podcasting and @grayruby has a face for radio 🤣
I’ll read out every AITA post! Surely you’ll show pity on a territory slum lord?
I'm sure I'll be supporting the territory heavily through zaps. I love applied ethics/etiquette questions.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @grayruby 3h
This sounds about right.
100 sats \ 5 replies \ @Malachi17 4h
You are the National Enquirer of assholes.
Haha!! Thank you!
@grayruby I think we found our first subscriber to our territory once we discover it!
@Malachi17 are you in??
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @Malachi17 4h
In for a penny, in for a pound?
@grayruby wants to help invest 25k to start the territory. Do u want to help contribute to be a founder for a month?
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Malachi17 4h
The Malachi17 budget functions on a shoestring. That string has been shorter with groceries as they are. I'll give you a cool thou sats, though, just to see what you do with them.
I’ll read out every AITA post, however it’s written. Thank you!☺️
What is AAFP?
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @DesertDave 5h
I literally read this while I was sitting on my "toilet". A-holes Are For Pooping