Thanks for your kind words and the mention of me, alter_native, my post and all that. Your excitement gets me more excited. My reason for having a territory isn't much about stacking sats to be honest. I do believe in the very long term it will. It's like my mining setup. I spent tons of Bitcoin to make that happen. Will I ever make that back? I don't know. But it feels good. And now my sats are kyc free and are born from my very own sunlight.
I am okay with alter_native not being super popular. I am want quality over quantity. I am definitely not the type to drive up hype with drama. Maybe I shouldn't even be a territory owner. I don't know. But listening to so many kind stackers reply to that post helped me remember what I wanted alter_native to be about in the beginning. And I feel solid about that now. And I trust it will grow as fast as it needs to. Once I lay it off for lifetime, it will feel like free sats for life after that. Just like my mining. I am all about a feeling aligned with a vision. And I want to be a part of this. I don't care about money.
AITA sounds like a great idea. Not the type of thing I would be behind. I am sure I would enjoy it if you founded it though. I love your enthusiasm and I am excited to see what you build here. Thanks for your support. It fills me with joy that I played a role in inspiring you💚
Perfect!! Hey if my offering a counterpoint inspires you to stay the course, then it was worth it! 🫡
Low time preference. ~alter_native will be a haven ready and waiting to shepherd in cowboys when they’ve strayed far from home.