Goose: When nocoiners say we are a cult I completely understand where they are coming from tbh I've seen less culty behaviour in actual cults
Gnome: This is 100% true. We even have to adopt dogmatic rules because people lack basic critical thinking skills to the point they can't determine a scam from bitcoin If you verify nothing and all you see is these passionate, toxic people being exclusionary and promoting their new world order - you will see a cult.
Ninja: Okay hot take, most people aren't verifying what they see on the TV either or the internet a lot of the time 👀 so the only reason it seems like a cult is because its different from the broader CULTure in content alone
Gnome: That's the facts. It's a cult because it's a completely foreign cultural concept to validate and also disenfranchise that which fails validation. A foriegn culture hostile to your culture (because you don't verify) is to that person a cult. More than that, it's also personally offensive. It says "You're wrong and you don't verify things, we do which makes us right and you wrong". It comes with a kind of moral superiority common to religions and cults, and a feeling of oppression or inferiority to those critical of it. That critical failure to verify, to even know what verification is or looks like, precipitates into all manner of negativity - what are seen as attempts to preserve cultural purity and silence criticism, that a cult or religion is simply the nearest social analog these folks are aware of.

What is this?

The above is a conversation I had with a few Bitcoiners on our Bitcoin discord server. I wanted to share it with you guys and even discuss if there's interest in that.
300 sats \ 7 replies \ @DarthCoin 5h
First of all :
Before that block Gnome said
Gnome: It's a common theme everywhere, like I said it's overwhelming. None of these shits run a node, read a BIP, and many don't even secure their own coins. Most. The culture is cancer. It's participants objectively stupid and self defeating. They will be fodder in the next fork wars
The self defeat that he was talking about is of course a reddit thread which he describes as
Gnome: So... There are apparently a glut of number go up users who think they are the elite minority who get Bitcoin, and anyone talking about technology is the dumb majority masses? They keep posting standard deviation memes presenting the people who care about price as the only ones who get Bitcoin. Their high IQ being the difference maker apparently I've honestly never seen so many people insisting how smart they are and how dumb anyone who doesn't care about fiat price is. I've seen 4 posts on it today alone, and all the replies are just insane.
It has been a really common issue. Self defeating things like "Most people won't/can't self custody" are all over reddit.
Gnome: NGU may end up being one of the greatest threats the protocol faces as it is overwhelmed by an apathetic, custodial population
300 sats \ 3 replies \ @DarthCoin 5h
Self defeating things like "Most people won't/can't self custody" are all over reddit.
I really think that all these are part of a larger campaign against Bitcoin. They are gov bots spreading all over these stupidities.
But Gnome doesn't think its a result of the dead internet
Ninja: How much stock do you give dead internet theory as an explaination?
Gnome: Of this specific phenomena? Not much. Are most social media posts at this point, most subs and follwer counts, bots? Yes. The reason I don't consider this an example of a dead internet is I see these same people at every meet up, they are everywhere The entire bitcoin community is filled with the most ignorant number go up dumbasses you will find anywhere
If I recount the beliefs of Bitcoiners I've met in person I can't disagree. They really are just like that. So far they seem few in number relatively, but I'm not sure how much of that is my personal perception bias.
Every time I see these NgU comments... it makes me wish for a 50% price dip. I dollar-cost-average so I could care less really. And 50% gives these clowns a little humility.
Just my opinion
More on this. It makes transactional use of Bitcoin harder... because if someone doesn't run a node, and doesn't hold their own keys they literally never transact. They just have an account on an exchange they aren't really Bitcoiners if they don't have at least some Bitcoin that they themselves have/use the keys for.
And if they don't transact... then it's just a number on a screen for them I don't understand it.
I like mike saylor. I think he is a brilliant man. however his comments against self custody recently are absolutely outrageous almost to the point of owing this 'community' (I don't like that word) an apology. All he had to say was 'everyone will choose their own path' and that we owe the people who came before... so much for keeping this protocol running when noone cared about it. Now it's more mature people have options.
Now you have these almost... bot-like comments on reddit and also youtube about how great he is despite his recent comments.
What in the actual fuck?
And it's exactly what you posted. Meme after meme about price and 'number go up' and how 'they're in it for the money really' and the suckers going up. What in the actual fuck?
WHAT money. Dollars? I thought Bitcoiners were 'in it for the Bitcoin' and Bitcoin adoption as money. And if that's the case... then great you've bought Bitcoin you have 'the money' congratulations now go study Bitcoin and make it work for you.
It doesn't need to be all the one or the other obviously, it's a marketplace. But it makes real adoption of Bitcoin as money more painful and it tends to turn off regular people. Get rich quick off of Bitcoin is really nauseating... and if these people were so interested in Bitcoin's NgU WHERE WERE THEY 18 months ago when Bitcoin was less than half the price/half the exchange rate?
I don't want to believe that NgU is dangerous to the protocol, but it does give more ammo to the detractors and governments when they say all it is is a ponzi scheme, not a monetary protocol used in moving value through society.
join the bitcoin discord server here
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 2h
Humans gonna do what humans gonna do.