Goose: When nocoiners say we are a cult I completely understand where they are coming from tbh
I've seen less culty behaviour in actual cults
Gnome: This is 100% true. We even have to adopt dogmatic rules because people lack basic critical thinking skills to the point they can't determine a scam from bitcoin
If you verify nothing and all you see is these passionate, toxic people being exclusionary and promoting their new world order - you will see a cult.
Ninja: Okay hot take, most people aren't verifying what they see on the TV either or the internet a lot of the time 👀 so the only reason it seems like a cult is because its different from the broader CULTure in content alone
Gnome: That's the facts. It's a cult because it's a completely foreign cultural concept to validate and also disenfranchise that which fails validation. A foriegn culture hostile to your culture (because you don't verify) is to that person a cult.
More than that, it's also personally offensive. It says "You're wrong and you don't verify things, we do which makes us right and you wrong". It comes with a kind of moral superiority common to religions and cults, and a feeling of oppression or inferiority to those critical of it.
That critical failure to verify, to even know what verification is or looks like, precipitates into all manner of negativity - what are seen as attempts to preserve cultural purity and silence criticism, that a cult or religion is simply the nearest social analog these folks are aware of.
What is this?
The above is a conversation I had with a few Bitcoiners on our Bitcoin discord server. I wanted to share it with you guys and even discuss if there's interest in that.