10 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 2h
We all gonna die anyways
And when I had genuine questions, k00b thought I was trolling...
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nuttall 1h
Wow! What a mind numbing retard and innumerate fool. What part of 2.1 Quadrillion does he not understand? Furthermore regarding mSats 2.1 Quintilian. Bitcoin on chain will be used for SETTLEMENT of accounts that all day, week, month, and year circle in level 2 scenes! Level two might be a spreadsheet that me and my vendors have that we set up by a club of signature, multi-signature relationships and we settle once a month or year.
He can even create a paper fiat based on the Bitcoin standard where it is worth 1 mSAT and it is denominated in it's own thousandths. They are so fucking retarded it kills me. It's just the desire to Front Run Price Discovery by having a money printer.