Whenever I read something from Gary Gensler or Elizabeth Warren, I'm reminded of George Orwell's "Animal Farm." Specifically, I'm reminded of when Napoleon pulls the coup d'etat over Snowball, ends debates, then begins to rule for the good of the animals. Clearly, they're too dumb to make their own decisions and need his leadership. Remember that from school?
Wisdom and humility are such huge missing pieces nowadays.
"all animals are equal, just some are more equal than others..." lol
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @poe7645 2h
Public school pressed me to dish out SparkNotes. Like a list of events. Not about actual comprehension of the text.
It wasn't up for debate.
They pressed you to dish out SparkNotes for George Orwell's "Animal Farm", without having the kids read it?
Great book.