Whether or not ~Bitcoin or ~meta really make money is hard to decipher, because it's kind of a shell game for @k00b. He's the payer and payee of those territory fees, as well as the primary zapper of those posts (I think).
What are you really saying? There’s no hope for any territory founder to directly make back their 100k in sats thru revenue?
We only make it back as an advertising platform to sell our books, merch, or consulting services beyond the site?
Not saying there aren’t altruistic reasons too!
We've known this was highly unlikely until Stacker News grows significantly. That any territories are breaking even is great, as is others being close.
You can also factor in how much you make back in activity on the territory: i.e. my ~econ posts get zapped, as do @grayruby's sports posts. We need the territories to exist for that.
Most territory owners are doing out of humanitarian reasons though. They want to build a place for bitcoiners to have these communities.
Right yes you found the territory to find a home for posts you want to make, ultimately!
I've given some thought to founding ~undisciplined, but it would have a huge overlap problem like ~alter_native, including an overlap problem with ~alter_natvie.
33 sats \ 11 replies \ @k00b 22 Oct
I hardly zap in ~meta. I generally don't want ~meta stuff on the front page.
~bitcoin on the other hand would be interesting to figure out. I zap ~bitcoin like a mother zaps her first born (assuming it's on topic and some muppet shouldn't have posted in a more relevant and cheaper territory). I guess we'll need spending breakdowns by territories at some point.
Ha! I guess it's just the rest of us who love ~meta and keep it represented on the front page.
I LOVE ~meta
I find the idea of SN fascinating now that I’m here. Especially the transparency
You're not alone in being fascinated by SN. If you look at my top posts, most of them are in ~meta.
And now you know it’s not the founder @k00b zapping them! 🤣
I suspect he is zapping them, just not as much as the field is zapping them.
37 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 22 Oct
I zap them especially when they are good (not "I got a cowboy hat!"), but I kind of cringe when any of the top 5 stories are ~meta.
It's only natural that one of the things stackers care about is Stacker News.
What about i found a horse or a gun?? 😅