Since our fearless puzzle master and physicist @south_korea_ln is on hiatus from the puzzles, here's another one for you to chew on.
Five pirates have just plundered 100 gold coins of treasure. Their ranks, from most senior to least senior, are: Captain (C), First Mate (F), Quartermaster (Q), Boatswain (B), and Deckhand (D).
The captain has to propose a distribution of the gold, i.e. how much gold, including himself, does each pirate get? All the pirates, including the captain, then vote to accept or reject the proposal.
If at least half accept, the proposal is accepted and the gold is split according to the proposed distribution.
If less than half accept, the proposal is rejected and the captain is thrown overboard. The next most senior pirate will then make a proposal according to the same rules.
Assume that the pirates' objective is to maximize their own gold, without getting thrown overboard. If they're ever indifferent between two situations, they'd rather see someone else get thrown overboard than not.
How will the Captain make his initial proposal?