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Ooo misinformation huh? Not surprised you're pro censorship too. I really don't care what you think. Your words are meaningless NPC gibberish. Now go get in line for another booster.
Not pro censorship just anti people spouting dangerous deadly misinformation which they cannot back up with any credible evidence.
They need to be challenged and exposed and you have been and will be.
Its a very long bow to go from saying that vaccines killed more people than they saved to one example of where Covid mandates went too far. No doubt that some government mandated measures did go too far - but that does not demonstrate the vaccines were not an important tool in substantially reducing harm to people and the economy more broadly. Are you still claiming the unsubstantiated nonsense that Covid vaccines do more harm than good? Because you have failed repeatedly to provide any credible evidence to back up that very dangerous claim.
The reason you bought the propaganda is that feeling of moral superiority you have on full display currently. It's especially appealing to petty tyrants. Weak people who would never otherwise wield any power or influence can speak of "misinformation" with such confidence. You fell for propaganda, that doesn't make you some omniscient god. It makes you an obedient guinea pig.
The vax didn't kill more than covid, Nobody claimed it did. But it also wasn't all that they said it was. It does not prevent covid, it does not prevent transmission. They said it was 100% effective, then 90, 70, 50... Then it stopped the spread then it didn't. The only misinformation came from government and "public health" officials. They lied, and they got paid. Based on their lies they justified firing people, censorship, lock down, shutting down small businesses, and every evil authoritarian ritual they forced kids to go through at school. And you're defending that. You disgust me.
There was a lot of confusion and fear and the truth is it was a rapidly evolving situation that was a nightmare for any government to deal with in the modern day context of everyone having access to internet communication and many people wishing to vent personal frustrations through current affairs. Nearly all 'liberal western democratic' governments that were in power under the Covid time were afterwards thrown out of power- imo in large part to the stress and anxiety that it involved- people want to move in from and- I do too - but when I hear people making demonstrably false claims about Covid I will challenge them. You now admit the vaccine did not kill more than it protected- good. I will admit it was a challenging time for everyone, but let's try to move on from the scaremongering and misinformation. The vaccines saved millions of lives- governments sometimes went too far- IMO nobody should be forced to accept a vaccine (or any medical treatment) against their will. Lets now learn from history and stop the extreme claims and misrepresentations that were so rabid during the pandemic. Because there is every chance there may be another one within our lifetimes- the world is so 'connected' new viruses can spread quickly and what will be needed to deal with it will be calm and careful responses- not hysteria and overt misinformation.
Please quote where anyone said the vax killed more than covid in this thread. You've made that accusation a few times but It was never claimed. So what victory are you celebrating here exactly, defeating a straw man?
Here's a claim: The vax, and the government/big pharma collision, corruption, and mismanagement of the entire debacle did more harm than covid. Can you admit that? We are only just beginning to see the destruction they caused: economic, impaired child development, social fabric, and yes, harmful vax side effects that were never honestly disclosed. You couldn't talk about that without ridicule as an "anti-vaxxer" before getting censored (or "deplatformed" as it's euphemistically called) even if speaking the truth. It will take a century to recover. Not from covid, that's already happened, but from the absolutely terrible response to covid, and the mass hysteria, fueled by intense propaganda, that resulted
You're a perfect example of someone whose mind was successfully broken. You are the product. A faithful, unquestioning foot soldier for authoritarianism, who feels fully justified when righteously parroting whatever the government tells you on the news.
I will not "move on" as long as people like you exist because I know you will be happy to comply with the next government manufactured emergency, and will be a willing participant in another authoritarian orgy like was had these last few years, and still continues.