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It’s almost funny to see this because Israel has said the except Iran to respond and based off of these attacks and what has gone on with Hezbollah the next step is either nuke sites or oil.
Israel might avoid the nuke sites but the oil…. They could cause some internal turmoil and cause an “accident” hell depending on what Russia attempts “to tell Israel” they might just go all out with the help of others like South Korea and the US
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We literally live in MadMax world where war and gasoline are the only thing that matter. -_-
I never thought of that but you are right! Kinda wild when you think of the HUGE EV push
Iran joined BRICS and there will definitely be retaliations
Team Biden won't allow Israel to hit nuke sites in Iran, part of Obama's creative tension policy in the region.
Eventually Israel needs to become self sufficient. They are being cheap and lazy by relying on aid from USA.
If you don't strike nuclear and oil facilities, where do you strike to gain a strategic advantage?
They don’t care what he thinks with how much his admin is leaking. Plus if Trump wins next week then it realllllly doesn’t matter
lots of people at State and Defense need to be prosecuted
They should not have security clearance
Obama loves Iran! Thank you Valerie Jarrett!
Remember when Trump stripped clearances from tonssss of people in 2016 and people flipped out?! Half those people were freaking RETIRED! You don’t need it if you don’t work on the stuff!