I had an idea for a version of 20 Questions that I thought we could play on Stacker News. Let's try it out, maybe it will suck but I want to see how it goes!
I've tried to design this "multiplayer" version of the game to incentivize teamwork and critical thinking as best I could think of. Please leave feedback as well. 1
- You must have a Cowboy Hat to participate.
- Each stacker may ask one Yes-or-No question. Discussion is welcome, but precede your official question with [?]
- Guesses count as questions and invalid questions will be ignored.
- If the movie I'm thinking of is guessed correctly within 21 questions, all participants that had their questions answered by me will get some sats!
- I will update what questions have been asked in the pinned comment.
The reward is based on the total amount of questions asked. This is to incentivize thinking carefully about your question and trying to solve early.
Reward per stacker scales down as follows:
- 10th Question: 400 sats each
- 11th Question: 353 sats each
- 12th Question: 311 sats each
- 13th Question: 274 sats each
- 14th Question: 242 sats each
- 15th Question: 214 sats each
- 16th Question: 190 sats each
- 17th Question: 169 sats each
- 18th Question: 150 sats each
- 19th Question: 134 sats each
- 20th Question: 120 sats each
- 21st Question: 100 sats each
- 22nd and beyond:
Read the questions on the pinned comment before you ask!
Ask good questions to help the stackers after you so you can win more sats!
I'm thinking of a movie...
I may change the "One question per stacker" rule if the post doesn't receive enough attention but the idea is for this to be a community game. ↩
Questions so far:
War of the Worlds!
Questions so far: