That face.
Sitting across from me in the living room in the rocking chair.
“What are we going to do?” He asks.
“What do you mean @k00b?” I raise my voice over the cries of our newborn who looks like Toad.

“What are we going to do to make Stacker News be immortal?”

“Shhhhh. Jesus @k00b. I’m just trying to quiet the baby here. It’s 2am and he’s hungry again. Are you getting your rest? We have to feed him every three hours!”
“Feed the beast, @realBitcoinDog. How do we keep these territory founders fed and happy? How do we turn their territories into fusion reactors achieving net-energy??”

“Goddammit @k00b! I’m tired and want to go to bed. Just give them what they want. JUST TURN UP THE REWARDS!!”
FWIW I’ve got a canned “immortal communities” post I’m saving to publish until 9am EST, so four more hours, but goddamn if it didn’t haunt my dreams tonight! This was just a dream, right?