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Look through the archives, because I recall there having been a ~fitness territory at some point. You could resurrect it and then change the name to ~Stacker_Fitness.
Several of us have been doing the monthly step challenges on Workit. You could definitely join in with that fun and earn some more sats.
I remember a health territory, is that one still around?
Yes, but it's 1000 sats to post.
I remember l wanted to post there a few times when l first started, but l thought the fee was too high. Now l dont really worry too much about fees when l post. I may have evolved as a stacker. Not magikarp anymore.
I usually don't either, but I'm essentially boycotting it because I think it would be better for SN if posting in ~health was more affordable.
I guess it depends on the audience. He might be looking for people who will only post well thought out posts so he doesnt have to manage it as much.
Which would be fine. It's just not what I most want from a territory. If he attracts good content creators there, I'll certainly zap high quality posts.