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[10:21] Listen to @realBitcoinDog pod It's So Early! on fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/sEHPflcpCHZ9Pv6yPxAX

It's so early!

I'm your host, Will Schoellkopf, @realBitcoinDog, author of The Bitcoin Dog, Following the Scent to the Bitcoin C++ Source Code, Bitcoin Girl: Save the World, and short story contributor to the fiction anthology @21futures, Tales from the Time Chain. Happy to be recording another episode for you stackers today. I'll offer my quick thoughts and reflections and proposals.

Having a Coffee Date with Anxiety

Yesterday, @plebpoet made a post titled, Having a Coffee Date with Anxiety. And it interested me, it intrigued me. Definitely the posts in @DesertDave ~Alter_native are some of the most interesting on the site. And it was a bit of a long one, so I saved it to read later. And sure enough, I did read it later. And @plebpoet talked about how it is dealing with anxiety and how to face it head on. So of course, I actually took the time to write a pretty good, pretty long reply back just saying, hey, I mean, I know what you mean in terms of anxiety, just sharing about myself with this stacker news experiment. It's a lot of anxiety. You know, it's one anxiety when you're on Reddit and you're making a post and you hope people like it and you hope they give up votes. But certainly having a monetary incentive in zaps really ups the stakes. I mean, stacker news, once you stumble on this opportunity, at least for me, it's certainly been hard to let it go. As much as I can say over and over, you need to stack friends instead of stack sats or you'll have a bad time. It is continually on my mind, this idea of stacking sats. So the funny thing for me was this was just a long, genuine reply for me. And all @plebpoet had to say was that, to be honest, it looked like ass milking drivel to him. So hey, to each their own. So be it. I have a thick skin. I'm not one to be torn, torn down by the comments. That's the best part of stacker news, of course, is I can see how many sats my reply was zapped. And certainly his reply calling me out for ass milking got more zaps. What's interesting for me is there are certainly plenty other posts I've done that are much more targeted at getting people to zap. And that one wasn't. But so it goes. But it did make me think about, because again,

I'm still on the hunt for starting a territory.

I mean, it's not going to be the am I the a-hole territory. Thank you all for honoring that experiment on this podcast. But I really enjoy the work @grayruby is doing and @Undisciplined is doing. Thank you for being loyal followers. And I do really get joy out of the cheap, easy hits on ~stacker_sports, those easy ones of who's watching the Thursday night football game or the Monday night football game or who's watching the World Series. And I think what it is, is because, of course, I have friends in real life to talk to on Facebook or Telegram, et cetera. But it's definitely a fun, interesting community, actually on Stacker News to have, you know, this this group of friends that we have here. And reflecting on my own, one of the things that I like to do with a very, very small circle of friends is we go on runs. We don't go on runs together.

We do daily runs.

But we use this app called Strava. And at the end of every run, we go ahead and we take a screenshot of our run, our accolades, and message it into each other in a group chat. And, of course, we talk in the group chat, too. But a lot of this group chat is just us thumbs uping each other, doing these runs, and giving that encouragement. And that was one of the things @grayruby told me about for the Am I the A-Hole. Part of the thing to know your audience for Stacker News is it's a very private group, you know, it's very public, it's the internet, people don't want to reveal their private identity any more than they have to. And that's where it'd be tough to share a very personal Am I the A-Hole story. But when it comes to working out and lifting and runs, that would be very easy, because it's just exercise information. Of course, an app like MapMyRun or Strava, you would maybe not want to reveal the route you ran if you wanted to be more private, or you might not want to reveal your profile name. But you could always crop your photo to just show the run statistics or likewise working out if you use the Strongman app or any other app for tracking your workouts, or you keep a note on your phone or spreadsheet, you know, whatever you do, or even just a picture of the weights in the gym to say I went to the gym today. That would be fun to actually make a territory or just saying, hey, I did a workout, I did a run, I did an exercise, very little thought into it, just sharing joy, spreading joy, and everyone in the territory doing a circle zap around. I looked and

there is a territory already called ~Health

but it was started in December of last year and has a very high 1000 sat post entry fee. So there's very few posts in that territory. And even then those posts had a tough time hitting 1000 sets just to cover their post cost. So I think there would be room for a ~stacker_fitness territory,

I'd call it ~stacker_fitness.

And in salutation to @grayruby and his ~stacker_sports to call it ~stacker_fitness. And I would keep the post cost very low 69, 42, or 21. Because it is meant to just be throw away pay to post. And then everyone just zaps in support. And if they comment, great, but just that fun community positive encouragement feel. I saw @grayruby posting 100 push ups a day till 100k. But that's the thing is he makes that post at the top. And then there's nobody commenting or nobody replying. There's just no traffic in that territory. But daily posting, that could really be fun. And if some other stacker wants to really set up exercise pools like that, they could do that. But I'm just trying to clue into myself what are the behaviors that I already like to do and already enjoy. So and then bring that to stacker news. Additionally, the other territory idea I had was,

I love meta analytics for stacker news.

I mean, wow, I really feel like I'm on track for a fifth week in a row of making the top meta posts. @k00b posted about immortal communities. And I made a post called Make stacker news mortal again, what is dead may never die. And that got over 1000 sats. So let's do it. I mean, why why not have that be the way that I make a territory so I can continue to do my own statistics, my own meta analysis, make a territory not called ~meta, but ~meta21.

And the goal of this territory is literally just to undercut @k00b at the knees.

Granted, everybody wins as long as people post on stacker news, right? But @k00b has a hefty 202 sat fee to pay to post to ~meta. And so my ~meta21 would just be the exact same thing as meta for the same purpose. But I would undercut the posting cost to be 10x cheaper, only 21 sats to post. And at 10x cheaper, anyone who wants to talk about stacker news in these parts. If it's that much cheaper, they might be compelled to post it in my ~meta21 instead of ~meta. And then I would definitely have a field day just charting out and graphing making Excel sheets of how many posts still go on in ~meta anyway, versus how many posts go to my ~meta21. Instead, just

territory on territory warfare

stake my claim in stacker news. We're gonna have a better meta, meta 21 with blackjack and hookers and cheaper pay to post. So I think it's a little more. Oh, there we go. It's a little tougher because I like @k00b and I don't want to just so obviously try to take over a territory he has. But I think @k00b would be supportive. I think in general, people have been supportive of me testing the boundaries of this stacker news experiment in every place that we have. So let's, let's have fun. Let's see it. Let's do it. I am finally gaining sats again. I've updated my zapping habits and stacking habits so that I am actually stacking sats. I still would be interested in @grayruby or @Coinsreporter, or anyone was interested in going in on the cost of the territory with me, because 100,000 stats is pretty steep. But that's the latest. Clearly, like @grayruby found, we did not have all the territories fall apart, there's much more room to grow. And I will end this episode to say, it's so early!
good morning real bitcoin dog, I don't want to leave my comment as just a throw away negative point. Ass-milking is by now a well known term (example meant to signal to the poster that we're taking some of your activity to be the opposite of proof of work. That's what I wanted to point to, there's low tolerance for it. So on my post, I felt that you took away from the purpose of my discussion to insert yourself, tag others, detract from the value of the text to earn sats. All this to say, you have things of substance to say, no doubt, but you're obscuring it into meta SN activity gameplay. That's just less interesting than the real life stuff you could be saying. Really, please, just take notice of where the sats went on that comment thread.
Part of growing up as a stacker is getting called out for ass-milking. It's one of our rights of passage to reflect on it and grow.
I am going to disagree that this was assmilking. I read the reply and that just seems like realbitcoindog’s personality and he was trying to take what plebpoet said and tie it to SN. Maybe plebpoet felt that was trivializing the seriousness of her post and that’s fine but that doesn’t mean it was assmilking.
Aside from obvious spamming and nonsense comments we should be careful about assigning intent to other stackers. We have one Darth to tell everyone why their thinking is wrong or they are shitcoiners or they are assmilking for sats. One Darth is enough in my opinion.
I also don't think it was ass-milking, but there are still lessons to be learned when others perceive us as ass-milking.
I agree that one Darth is sufficient and two would be gratuitous. This was more of the kind of response I expect from PlebPoet.
Yea that makes sense to me @plebpoet. It speaks to the beauty of the SN system that we can vote with our sats on the kind of replies we like to see!
I just always @ everyone all the time it’s just my style.
It’ll be neat to see if this exchange turns into a poem! Will you tag me if you do? I’d want to read it! 🙏 (oh no am I ass-milking again? 🤣)
Yes. But getting called out by darth is the worst! Haha Its important to respect the original poster.
@DarthCoin would say, “Only the sith respect the OP.”
Dont worry, you arent the worst assmilker here. There are others that need to be watched more closely. Also, l dont think you need to worry about k00b, l think he raised the post amount so others would post on other territories instead of his. He isnt worried about making his territories profitable.
The only issue with a ~meta21 is that the purpose of ~meta is basically to discuss SN issues where k00b will see them.
Maybe he should make a territory called "K00bs input"? Might keep out the stuff he doesnt want in meta.
If the zap rank is high enough, even if it’s in ~meta21 I guarantee @k00b will see it.
But the 202 Sat fee is on purpose?! I mean sounds like he’s ripe for a switcheroo then💪
Look through the archives, because I recall there having been a ~fitness territory at some point. You could resurrect it and then change the name to ~Stacker_Fitness.
Several of us have been doing the monthly step challenges on Workit. You could definitely join in with that fun and earn some more sats.
I remember a health territory, is that one still around?
Yes, but it's 1000 sats to post.
I remember l wanted to post there a few times when l first started, but l thought the fee was too high. Now l dont really worry too much about fees when l post. I may have evolved as a stacker. Not magikarp anymore.
I usually don't either, but I'm essentially boycotting it because I think it would be better for SN if posting in ~health was more affordable.
I guess it depends on the audience. He might be looking for people who will only post well thought out posts so he doesnt have to manage it as much.
There are so few of us stackers, we don't need territory wars 🤠 But who am I!?
There was once a ~fitness territory.
You either live by the territory-on-territory wars, or die by them!
Don't waste your sats on unnecessary wars. ~meta is for SN-related things and the less said about SN the better! Usually when people talk too much about themselves (SN) it's not a good sign. We need a ~uncharted territory!
Ohhhh what would we discover there??
is uncharted ! Ahahah
it looked like ass milking drivel to him
@plebpoet is a girl fyi.
I've no disagreement to any of your posts or comments. In fact I've always enjoyed whatever you've posted here. Thanks for being the one to bring some humor and fun back.
Now talking about ~fitness or any territory you'd want to start, I want you to tell that take your time and found a territory which isn't already there. Fees isn't a matter. Right now you see 1000 sats but when you start a copy of a territory, they'll also decrease the fees. There's no sense in making a copy territory.
You’re saying in the @0xbitcoiner territory-on-territory wars, the only winning move is not to play? 😈
Cmon this is the SN gamesmanship! We need a cheaper territory for fees to be lowered!!
Go ahead! I've no objection. It was just a suggestion.
You can play that game, but you won't get the result you want. Don't waste your precious sats on it. This is just a suggestion, of course, you can do whatever you want, I have nothing against it!
I was told bitcoin is permissionless! I don't need your stinkin' permission! xD
Of course not! Where did you get that idea?
Afraid to confess, but I had to Google ass milking.
Not a pretty picture