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good morning real bitcoin dog, I don't want to leave my comment as just a throw away negative point. Ass-milking is by now a well known term (example meant to signal to the poster that we're taking some of your activity to be the opposite of proof of work. That's what I wanted to point to, there's low tolerance for it. So on my post, I felt that you took away from the purpose of my discussion to insert yourself, tag others, detract from the value of the text to earn sats. All this to say, you have things of substance to say, no doubt, but you're obscuring it into meta SN activity gameplay. That's just less interesting than the real life stuff you could be saying. Really, please, just take notice of where the sats went on that comment thread.
Part of growing up as a stacker is getting called out for ass-milking. It's one of our rights of passage to reflect on it and grow.
I am going to disagree that this was assmilking. I read the reply and that just seems like realbitcoindog’s personality and he was trying to take what plebpoet said and tie it to SN. Maybe plebpoet felt that was trivializing the seriousness of her post and that’s fine but that doesn’t mean it was assmilking.
Aside from obvious spamming and nonsense comments we should be careful about assigning intent to other stackers. We have one Darth to tell everyone why their thinking is wrong or they are shitcoiners or they are assmilking for sats. One Darth is enough in my opinion.
I also don't think it was ass-milking, but there are still lessons to be learned when others perceive us as ass-milking.
I agree that one Darth is sufficient and two would be gratuitous. This was more of the kind of response I expect from PlebPoet.
Yea that makes sense to me @plebpoet. It speaks to the beauty of the SN system that we can vote with our sats on the kind of replies we like to see!
I just always @ everyone all the time it’s just my style.
It’ll be neat to see if this exchange turns into a poem! Will you tag me if you do? I’d want to read it! 🙏 (oh no am I ass-milking again? 🤣)
Don't mess with artists art man. You are going to get on the naughty list and you won't get any sats for Christmas from @StackerClaus. Haha
Yes. But getting called out by darth is the worst! Haha Its important to respect the original poster.
@DarthCoin would say, “Only the sith respect the OP.”