Hey all,
I wanted to share the following with you all to learn the good, the bad, the ugly if you can spare the scarce time! Anything top-of-mind!
Announcement: Today we're announcing our WordPress plugin to make it easy to add one-click-donations aka Boosts w/ Lightning + an embedded wallet (along with other content monetization tools). Other platforms have some guides to help with the copy/paste of code.
Relevant links are here & I'll add an image
Any and all thoughts are really appreciated! Note: We've heard comments & requests for lightning login & other options in general and are noodling on some creative ideas.
Thank you! Jared
Boost is cool, makes it easy for mash users to tip, but would be cool is layering in engagement, WP sites tend to have comments enabled on blogs, having the ablity to assign sats to my comment, like we see with v4v podcasts would be a nifty feature, so comment as per normal and add a little sats, comments could be ranked by amount of sats too :)
This definitely something we've been thinking about. It should be a fairly easy extension (some of the features you describes), we're just sorting the best structure to setup and a partner to build & integrate it with.
Any interest?
Allow the visitor to request a Lightning invoice to pay.
Curious why you wont load any lightning through an invoice to the wallet then pay/autopay? That’s possible but we’re trying to not have QR codes to get everyone into bitcoin lightning.
You are excluding all the existing Lightning users though. People that already have other wallets.
What I actually want is that you make your product into an open protocol that others can also implement instead of trying to corner the entire market in a proprietary solution.
Mash is built on open standards with lightning from the ground up – we did this purposefully, to be able to harden then unlock it, which is difficult on a decentralized network. Here is a demo:
Rather, we are asking them to use lightning to load funds first (any amount) to enable all the other features to not be scanning QR codes every time – one-time scan vs. every time scan (and if they want to send it out, go for it, anytime). We're contiuously exploring ways to support other wallets – though it is a difficult UX challenge across lots of products/features!
I had to look to find the prices, here they are:
Mash earns 3% of the revenue you generate from your first $25K of revenue. This is roughly the same as what it costs to facilitate getting users funds into their Mash wallet.
Mash earns 9% of revenue generated greater than $25K – our take is effectively 6%. This enables us to operate Mash, build all the awesome features you want to earn way more.
Those are preliminary as we sort out the model. Was there an issue with those?
Was there an issue with those?
I didn't see the price in any of the links you shared.
Had to scroll all the way and find Pricing, and click there to see the prices.
It's fine to charge for something, but I think it should be up front, not hidden away.
Thought about it more. They are in the About Menu drop-down which isn't really clear/accurate. We should probably move them to the header menu or a more relevant section.
Thanks for sharing. Not the intention. We aren’t even actually charging anything at all right now so wasn’t top of mind. Will rectify. Appreciate it!