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A TOC of the main points:
  1. The prestige treadmill to nowhere
  2. Education has become resume engineering
  3. Risk aversion kills growth
  4. Purpose isn’t a job title
  5. The false promise of perfect parenting
  6. The hollow core of modern education
  7. Leadership without purpose
  8. The service trap
  9. Real excellence requires freedom
  10. The safe path is the riskiest
Interesting article. One of his links ( was about fake nonprofits being created by students applying to elite colleges, nonprofits that were JUST created and run for a couple months in order to get admission to the college, and then dropped.
It's very cynical and manipulative - both on the part of the students, the colleges, and the consultants that help them with this scam.
I saw this all the time on a neighborhood online forum I used to belong to. Regularly there would be posts by high-schoolers advertising their new nonprofit. I remember one of them was supposedly an online computer tutoring nonprofit, another was a charity that supposedly went to senior centers and offered pedicures and facials.
It was all so fake. The whole college system is built on fraud.
yes and i think this non profit nonsense continues into adulthood