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To run a full node one needs ~1TB of storage.
It is unfortunate that most companies provide fixed CPU/RAM/storage and to get 1TB storage one is forced to rent also zillion CPU cores and tons of RAM, which are not necessary and raise the cost. The biggest VPS at Skhron has less than 1TB.
Can you make it such that one can configure the CPU, RAM and storage independently?
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This kind of VPS is NOT to run a full BTC node.
You can do this:
  • run a full BTC node + LN node on your own hardware at home and use it through a wireguard VPN tunnel with this VPS. Your node will use the VPS IP for all communications. Done. Is the most elegant way.
  • run a LND node with Neutrino backend, that doesn't require any full blocks sync and works perfectly fine.
You can run a pruned node, not exactly full but if you don't need the index its still good
Unfortunately it is not yet possible due to disbalance in resource utilization.
To implement this feature I see two ways:
  • move to distributed object storage (CEPH for example), or
  • launch a separate cluster of HDD backed VPS with a small SSD partition for OS and boot, without lots of unnecessary CPU&RAM resources.
The second option is what we are working on currently, however there is no ETA when we will launch new tariff line yet, sorry.