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Evolution has always been seen as a complex, random, and unpredictable process, shaping life on Earth in ways we could hardly anticipate.
But what if there’s more order to it than chaos? That’s exactly what a team of scientists is suggesting in a new study.
Really interesting! 🤔 Some of us like order... and others love "Disorder".. like me 😅.. after reading carefully I think that creating "Gene Families" first to be able to keep a more accurate control and process was perfect!! I hadn't heard of the "Random Forest" system so I can see a very practical and efficient system or algorithm!! Every day you learn something new here at S.N. Don't stop posting 👍
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Yes, and it should be a reason to continue publishing and sharing quality information... with those who day by day seek to enrich our thinking... because "Knowledge is Power"☺️👍