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I run a Shopify store (for b2b wholesale NOT retail) and added opennode.com as an ADDITIONAL payment method. If anyone actually checks into this using Shopify is probably the easiest to do.
Sales/payments using Bitcoin are almost zero. This is a reality. 14-15 years and Bitcoin is not yet really being used for b2b wholesale merchants. I also use zaprite, why ? because actual b2b merchants, want flexibility maybe they want to pay with a credit or debit card, or ACH or a T/T (wire transfer).
Very, very, very, very few (read almost zero) actually use Bitcoin for a payment method. I am a long term Bitcoin but for daily actual use the adoption is not here (YET), it will be. Sure it's a good conversation piece on paying for a cup of coffee somewhere in the World with Lightning, but in my humble opinion, wholesale use, normal, regular b2b adoption will eventually come, but keep the door open to having conversations, communications with those b2b merchants that get requests for also using USDT.
IF ANY OF YOU READING THIS JUST CHECK OUT WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY A BITCOIN OR OTHER TYPE OF MINER, the companies selling miners use multiple methods of payment. Sad to say you will see more types of crypto for payment than Bitcoin.
I use to have a territory on SN hoping to get exposure to b2b merchants, but no real interest. Don't get me wrong I am indeed pro Bitcoin, but there is more need in other Countries for using Bitcoin for payments than in the USA.
this territory is moderated
Sad but true. You have first hand knowledge.