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This is a recurring post inspired by discussions had by @Undisciplined, @elvismercury and others regarding evergreen content on SN. I’ll dig back into the past to try to locate some great posts that might be worth another read. I plan to release a new Golden Oldies every Tuesday.
Here are this week’s selections:
@elvismercury created the idea of a book club on Stacker News with this series of posts on Broken Money. Here’s the first installment, which will hopefully inspire you to read the whole series.
Evan is the founder of my favorite lightning wallet, and he’s also a source of wisdom on all things bitcoin and lightning. The Zeus wallet has come a long way since this AMA, but there is still a lot we can learn from this discussion.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Here’s a link to last week’s post:
Logo design by @plebpoet
Great Selection!
What a great discission you guys had there in the Book Club! Why the Book Club is no longer happening? I just went through the first comment and got super excited to ask this. Restore Book Club, please.
The AMA by @evankaloudis has great details about Zeus and some other related stuff.
ah man, a Lyn Alden bookclub would have been nice back in the day.
Why nobody told me about SN before?!
Damn. It would have been great to have you participating. We would have had some inside info.
Haha yea a little :)
These by @elvismercury are great posts!
Elvis is alive. Just need him to make a triumphant return.
There is no part 2, 3, ...? (Lyn Alden book club part I by elvismercury)
There is. I only highlight two posts here. Maybe I'll dig up the others to include as replies. I figured people could look them up if interested.
It's under different names, that's why I couldn't find it.
Broken Money book club update #275999 Broken Money book club, part 2 #287069 Broken Money book club, part 3 #300775 Broken Money book club, part 4 #317108
Are there more?
Thanks for posting. I think there were only four.
They're in the related posts