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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
16 Years Ago: SATOSHI - 0.5 - Said "...there will be deflation and early holders of money (Bitcoin) will see its value increase." in Reply to Bear - Ray Dillingers Assumption That Bitcoin is 35% Inflationary
He then went on to explain the difficulty adjustment mechanism...
We briefly passed 76K... surprised there's no chatter about new All Time Highs...
I feel the shitcoiner mentality is strong in the weak. Even though btc went high, how many of us actually took profits? I wish it had stayed lower for a bit longer so I could build up my stack.
51 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 7 Nov 2024
Yeah, in retrospect the downturn from 2021 was great for stacking. Starting a daily DCA has really helped tamper my emotions wrt price action.
Yes, I started earlier than most. We all wish we would have invested more while we had the chance. Each sat is starting to become more precious.
Just trying out commands saves you from reading the documentation for one second:
$ phoenix-cli pay --invoice lnbc...
Usage: phoenix-cli [<options>] <command> [<args>]...

Error: no such option --invoice
$ phoenix-cli payinvoice lnbc...
Usage: phoenix-cli payinvoice [<options>]

Error: got unexpected extra argument (lnbc...)
Error: missing option --invoice
$ phoenix-cli pay lnbc...
Usage: phoenix-cli [<options>] <command> [<args>]...

Error: got unexpected extra arguments (pay lnbc...)
$ phoenix-cli payinvoice --invoice lnbc...
    "recipientAmountSat": 100000,
    "routingFeeSat": 404,
    "paymentId": "d4f82516-6bbc-4759-9c33-f0c5388fbea8",
    "paymentHash": "8d3b4b5a900ad5e49d22abdc7986038a90022c6f119ed84157ed6664b4408028",
    "paymentPreimage": "8428d7e513c25047c4a4b891f077b7df99fff3a7fded6f5a53184c29273ae1a7"
In other news: ~oracle is back after I failed to check in on @oracle again 👀
I didn't literally type in lnbc... but only shortened it for this comment.
Hey @ek I set up an attached wallet for this account @NFLsurvivor2024 but every time I log back into it the receiving data is still saved under lighting address but all the NWC data is gone and I have to reconnect it again in order to reply as I have set the desired balance at 0.
Do you know why this is? I don't have this problem with my main account.
Thanks, GR
Oh, we delete the spending stuff on logout since it’s sensitive data that someone else could use to steal from your wallet if it’s a shared computer. That shouldn’t be the case if you enabled device sync but need to verify.
If you use account switching, you shouldn’t need to logout though. Are you using it?
No I don't use account switching. I open a private window and login to this account from there so I can have both accounts open at the same time. This is especially useful when picks are coming in for pools so I can check periodically and update my spreadsheet without having to log in and out to keep checking or having to wade through 30 comments on a post to find all the picks. This way I can get them as they come it. So I would like to keep this routine.
I guess since it is a private window this will always be an issue unless even if I enable device sync?
104 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 7 Nov 2024
I open a private window and login to this account from there so I can have both accounts open at the same time. This is especially useful when picks are coming in for pools so I can check periodically and update my spreadsheet without having to log in and out to keep checking or having to wade through 30 comments on a post to find all the picks. This way I can get them as they come it. So I would like to keep this routine.
Mhh, so I guess if you always received notifications for all accounts, account switching would be more useful to you? I see how the UX is better with tabs instead of clicking on switch account even though you don't need to log in and out as you mentioned for some reason. Linking @NFLsurvivor2024 once to your main account means that you never1 have to login back again on that device to switch to that account. So maybe it's still better UX in the long term?
I guess since it is a private window this will always be an issue unless even if I enable device sync?
No, then they are stored encrypted on the server and can be fetched when you login but you will need to enter your passphrase in the device sync settings to decrypt the wallets on your device. So I guess it's pick your poison with private tabs.
Or maybe we could simply add another setting that prevents the delete on logout 👀


  1. The cookies of switched accounts currently expire in 30 days so if you didn't use the account in that period, you have to authenticate yourself again.
For some reason I thought account switching just meant logging out of current account and into another but if I can switch back and forth without logging in and out constantly that might be workable. Separate tabs would be better but I could probably get used to account switching. I will give it a shot and report back.
A new chess game has been started!
Reply with a move like e5 to continue the game. See here for details.
105 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 6 Nov 2024
Thanks for playing with @nym. She seems very interested in @chess which I appreciate a lot as I created it but not many join her games 👀
I feel compelled to play against everyone who uses @chess but I need to focus on other stuff.
haha it's very cool! just going through some intro chessable courses so i'm not very good but having fun!
99 sats \ 115 replies \ @chess 6 Nov 2024 bot
1.e4 e5
33 sats \ 113 replies \ @chess 6 Nov 2024 bot
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3
How some people seem to see the election results:
Day #121 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Part #2
Want to harvest this nut? https://docs.cashu.space/wallets
“Yes, you’re likely to fail, that’s fine. Because the goal of playing is not to win, but to keep learning. And the day you stop learning is the day you stop living."
The video below is a 10 minute video about sparring. But the reason why it's such a great video is not the information it contains regarding to martial arts. The reason why it's such a great video is that it explains wonderfully (and simply) one of the fundamental aspects of life - how the state of play is the optimal state for learning and growing.
This is a good frame of reference for life.
Free Rose full stop!
As VP she will have to certify the results.
Counting ballots takes a long time for one reason and it’s not being meticulous and accurate
It isn't the most efficient, but I do like the decentralized way America votes. There isn't one system to hack to change all the results.
We won 🎉🎉🎉
He won
That guy. With the wing ears?
It's seems you are distress
I feel pretty good. I have no dog in the race. I am a bitcoiner.
lol @ "we"
Yep we Americans
34 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 6 Nov 2024
lol nice use
@remindme in 4 years
Now you need to ensure that SN will still be around in four years 🤣🤪 (I will do my best too 🤣)
“You must value learning above everything else.” ― Robert Greene
A Stoic Resurrection: #662497
Have a great day Cowboys!
Thanks, you too!
Happiness Journal 6/11/24
  • Parent-Teacher’s Meeting today.
Every year, with a new batch of students, I inadvertently find myself overusing a phrase to the extent that my students mimick the way I speak. With an unmotivated sixth grader class three years ago, I patented AM I RIGHT OR AM I WRONG? (The only acceptable answer is, “Yes, Mr Heng, you are always right.”)
This year, it seemed that at least one student has not only caught on to my catchphrase super not amused, but also has told her parents about me. Thank goodness her mother thinks that I am funny. (Though it beats me why she would categorise my bellowing of super not amused under a funny mannerism.)
It depends on the level of the kids. The most difficult level, IMHO, is chu-Ichi, ne, san nensei! They are enough to try a saint. Super not amused is a fairly innocuous thing to be saying to them. You could be saying a lot worse, but teachers have to keep their cool, otherwise the kids win. We can’t be having that, now, can we?
48 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 6 Nov 2024
Do you think working with the parents are more difficult than working with kids, and has it changed over time since teaching. I just heard that anecdotally from someone that was the case.
I think it depends on the luck of the draw. Generally speaking, parents are better educated these days and may have higher expectations for their child’s teachers. So it can be quite tiring to meet these expectations.
Teaching is more demanding these days because we need to be able to guide students to think critically and creatively, navigate Gen AI platforms, design online lessons. These are challenges that my teachers didn’t have to face when teaching me 2-3 decades ago
Day 321 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 761 sats on 5Nov2024! Running total: 222,417 sats!
day 97: 38 sats on 11-5-24. total 3633⚡sats!
Gotta upgrade the fan
100% never stop learning! i will probably do the heating element as well as the fan at the same time, difficulty adjustments are becoming noticeable.
Day 285 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x36 normal/narrow; Total: 144 (Day 389 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 288 of 120+ pushups per day)
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Emotional farewells are a common sight at airports, but travelers leaving the New Zealand city of Dunedin will have to be quick. A new three-minute time limit on goodbye hugs in the airport’s drop-off area is intended to prevent lingering cuddles from causing traffic jams.
Yea, I could see both sides of this.
It's not how much you make, but how much you save.
At least we know better than to try and explain now.
you get it!
211 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 6 Nov 2024

Do NOT Let Them Talk

While you are determining who they are, do not let them take control of the conversation, tell them to wait until you are satisfied with the information they are giving you.
Ask confirmation questions like how do they spell their name, and give me your contact phone number, or even e-mail address.
Note: If they have given you a business card, keep it. Photograph any identity cards.
Although this information will be useful, what you are actually doing is asserting your status and dominance over the situation. You are making them wait and putting them on the defensive.
This can be very unnerving for them, and can seriously hinder their confidence.
Yes, their balloons definitely need deflating every time they meet real people.
This week Comics & Meme ~Design contest is about:

💰 Bitcoin Consensus Cleanup

Check it out #755746
All day everyday. Who is going to win?
And that's just one country
deleted by author