A couple of days ago, I posted a small article on how to chill out when speaking facts to non-Bitcoiners. #74889
Basically, don't crusade. Yes FIAT is evil, yes shitcoins are evil, but be chill about it when speaking to people who haven't put the pieces as to why its evil together yet.
In that title I made a distinction between two types of people, the FIAT slave, and the scammed (the damned and in this title, the scamned). Specifically, the scamned are the shitcoiner who are damned to perpetuate their scam onto others to enrich the shitcoins creator and they hope for themselves as well.
There is a line shitcoiners say to Bitcoin maximalists that I want to focus on today. "Normies don't like being told their investments are scamns." This is initially a little confusing. When we think of the normie, we would more often think of the FIAT slave, but if we think about what the scamned is trying to tell us, its essentially projection, the third type of defense mechanism I linked in the article of that post.
Some thoughts or feelings you have about another person may make you uncomfortable. When people project those feelings, they misattribute them to the other person.
For example, you may dislike your new co-worker, but instead of accepting that, you choose to tell yourself that they dislike you. You start to interpret their words and actions toward you in the worst way possible, even though they don’t actually dislike you.
The scamned say that "normies don't like it when you tell them their investments are scamns", but what they mean is, "I don't like it when you tell me my investment is a scamn".
Now, with this insight in mind, my next source may seem a little confusing. Bitcoin is often attributed to a pyrimid scheme or MLM scamn, and if you're still here because you want to make money in the short term via broader adoption, then you are in fact hoping for the same thing a pyrimid schemer would hope for. The reason I am in Bitcoin personally, is because I don't want to participate in a system which requires debt enslavement for basic living, or can print money to bail out companies who have an in with politicians. I choose Bitcoin because I am choosing a more fair monetary system. However, any use case will do.
If you like Bitcoin because you think its making you rich, you need a different reason to be using Bitcoin. This is not a get rich quick scheme.
This video should help with furthering your understanding of why people stay in shitcoin scamns just as well as it explains why people stay in MLMs.