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No, he is right. I shouldnt lend people money. Im not a bank.
Let me explain you a bit how this scam works and why is so wrong from the beginning.
He says that need some sats to pay the fee for a tx. That from start is so wrong, from all Bitcoin mechanics perspective. People still do not understand how UTXOs works. Just imagine a bit how this would work, let's say is a honest guy.
  • he have to make let's say a 100k sats TX onchain
  • he have only a 100k sats UTXO in that wallet, no other change
  • he have to pay a 1500 sats fee
  • you send him over LN 1500 sats and will have to make the swap from LN to onchain, for damn shity 1500 sats. Only that will cost more than the amount itself, because are 2 fees.
  • it means that will remain with almost nothing in a UTXO, even maybe a dust change that can't be spend.
This whole operation is SO WRONG !
This is a tactic used by all shitcoiners, beggars and STUPID people. Do not feed them !