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Oh, right! I've started sewing and found that I absolutely love it! I think I've got some potential and thus would like to have a try at starting something, thus the need for a name and logo.
I'm currently working on pouches for (Molle) belts and backpacks, and will expand from there with other backpack accessories like bottle holder, canteen pouches, beaver tails, custom pieces and other pouches, maybe even a selfmade backpack once I'm capable enough!
To make it short: Outdoor stuff.😁
nice, congrats in finding your passion. in that case, the first looks better in terms of the background and style, but i would change out the needle design as it looks more like a tent peg.
Hm, gotcha. What about the names?
fabicraft is great
I read the logos and the post twice before I noticed the logos said Fabicraft instead of FabricCraft
I'm not a huge fan of the name.
Fabs Fabric is better, but also not doing the thing for me.
Are you male? it's kinda like FabsRic FabsRick (like the guys name : Rick)
FABRICH or FABriche (wealth)
I'm not selling whole grain oats... 😅
Fibres then
way more sophisticated :)
Fabian, male.
I'd like the brand name to include an abbreviation of my name, and since it's handcrafted, I thought that "FabiCraft" would be spot-on.
I also like "Fab's Fabrics", as it translates to "Fabian's things"- or so I hope.