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I've been tinkering about a possible "Brand name" as well as a fitting logo, and so far I've set my sights on "FabiCraft" or "Fab's Fabrics".
I've asked ChatGPT to come up with two possible logos for the former, and will do the same for the latter once the limit has been reset:
I quite like what he came up with, but I'd also like to ask what others think about both possible names, as well as the above two mock-ups; What do you think, and what can you come up with?
1,000 sats paid 2 times
Fabs's bounties
First, congratulations on finding something you like. Second, remember to charge in Bitcoin, that's important.
As for the designs, I'm not even close to being a designer, but as a client when I see a logo I need it not to deceive me, to make it clear to me what it's about without having to ask and without having to guess what it says.
I like the sewing needle to appear like in the second logo, but the thread looks like thread, not the end of a dagger. I like the circle in the first logo because it conveys that you make things that are for carrying something, the mountains very well. So, COULD THE CIRCLE IN THE FIRST LOGO BE A BACKPACK? or A WATER BOTTLE HOLDER?
Whatever is written should convey information, not harm the eyes by trying to guess.
As for the brand, the word CRAFT already conveys a handcrafted and personal touch, what accompanies it can describe the purpose (what your products will be used for) or identify you as the owner (always look for information on similar brands)
... So, what's your verdict?
I don't like the logo to have a specific shape, a simple circle or rectangle is more than enough.
I'm considering only accepting BTC as well 😉
For me, giving verdicts is cumbersome, because it gives me the feeling of being judging, something that I don't consider fair. But taking into account your tastes and decisions.
It seems to me that if the letters are improved so as not to have to guess what it says and if you intend to charge in Bitcoin, then add something that identifies it, although there are already stickers with "BITCOIN ACCEPTED HERE"
If you make modifications later, I would like to see how it ended up.
Hm, there'll be an update.
103 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 9 Nov 2024
I'm considering only accepting BTC as well
That's why bitcoin pumped the last days
Gotta stock some ammo beforehand, aye?! 😂
i think you need to give a bit more info about your business. for example: why are there mountains in the logo? The first logo seems like a logo for a mountaineering store the second seems like a place i can get something like fabrics and the material comes from the hill side. i like the name. catchy
Oh, right! I've started sewing and found that I absolutely love it! I think I've got some potential and thus would like to have a try at starting something, thus the need for a name and logo.
I'm currently working on pouches for (Molle) belts and backpacks, and will expand from there with other backpack accessories like bottle holder, canteen pouches, beaver tails, custom pieces and other pouches, maybe even a selfmade backpack once I'm capable enough!
To make it short: Outdoor stuff.😁
nice, congrats in finding your passion. in that case, the first looks better in terms of the background and style, but i would change out the needle design as it looks more like a tent peg.
Hm, gotcha. What about the names?
fabicraft is great
I read the logos and the post twice before I noticed the logos said Fabicraft instead of FabricCraft
I'm not a huge fan of the name.
Fabs Fabric is better, but also not doing the thing for me.
Are you male? it's kinda like FabsRic FabsRick (like the guys name : Rick)
FABRICH or FABriche (wealth)
I'm not selling whole grain oats... 😅
Fabian, male.
I'd like the brand name to include an abbreviation of my name, and since it's handcrafted, I thought that "FabiCraft" would be spot-on.
I also like "Fab's Fabrics", as it translates to "Fabian's things"- or so I hope.
Cut the "i."
It's cleaner.
Also like the first logo better
I've heard this multiple times now, but I honestly like it WAY better with the "I".
It sounds cute but that's not necessarily good.
It also sounds too much like you just put "Fabi" (short version of Fabian) and "Craft" together. Maybe that's exactly what you did, but it has an unoriginal taste.
But don't mind us if you're not convinced, it's more important that you like it.
That's exactly what I did, Sir, and I'm mucho proud of it. 🌝
113 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 9 Nov 2024
Fabcraft sounds better to my ear than Fabicraft.
For the logo, I suspect there's something fun you can do with pineneedles.
Ah hahahaha... I'll try around with the pine needles, good one.
Ran it by the wife, we both like Fabs Fabrics and the second design, because they're clearer about what the business is.
I also feel like Fabs Fabrics could be the name of a merchant's shop in the Elder Scrolls and that second logo would look right at home on the sign.
This is very cool!
I wasn’t a fan of Fab’s Fabrics because I found the apostrophe distracting. But I could get onboard with Fabs Fabrics. I like alliteration. And fabs serves as a pun for fabulous. I like the multilayered meaning it conjures
I like alliteration. And fabs serves as a pun for fabulous. I like the multilayered meaning it conjures
Ha! Didn't think of it that way, solid.
What if it was Fabs' Fabrics? Is that apostrophe less distracting?
Yes to me. Because that ‘s’ is attached to fab and is no longer hanging in no man’s land
Keeping the apostrophe might help balance out the character count of the two words, which might make logo design easier.
You're pointing at the original, right?
I agree 💯 with you. The devil is in the details, huh
But isn't "Fab's" indicating that it's made by me, c'est magnifique Fabs?!
🤣, Awesome, thanks!
Any ideas in regards to improvement?
You're saying "Fab's Fabrics" bit in the second style, huh?
Exactly, although that might mess up the symmetry of the design.
I'll try around some more anyways.
After I read your explanation about your business in the comments, I understood the concept better. This way I choose the first logo, but I prefer the needle of the second. Good luck on your journey!!!!
For a logo, take into account where are you going to use it, simple colors help to use in any surface, not only for "web", solid colors, simple lines help a lot.
I'd simply sew it into the inner as a tab.
One addition you could make is to put the bitcoin logo as the eye of the needle or have the thread end go into a bitcoin B
I too have been thinking about including something Bitcoin-related, as I've been toying with the idea of accepting BTC-only, but if, then I'd like to include it in a sly and roundabout way, and something more technical then just a "B"... 😉
I'm not a fan of including the Bitcoin logo into your brand. If you build a reputation as a high quality manufacturer and word gets around that you are Bitcoin only or you have deep discounts for Bitcoin payment that will be enough.
On the other hand if you are buying things with Fiat then it's better to accept Fiat first, convert to Bitcoin to protect your work value and then also give deep discounts to people who pay in Bitcoin. The deep discount saves you the hassle of buying Bitcoin for yourself or exchanging it and we all know it increases buying power for Fiat double or triple inflation values.
For instance, the bag is $50 USD or Euro equivalent but if you pay $24 in Bitcoin it's yours. This was you are signaling your preference and you also figure your prices double what you would want in Bitcoin.
If you want something more in your face you could have the needle and threaded stitching through bitcoin coin in front of the mountains.
That's way too much, I'd like to have it in there ever so subtle.
if u go bitcoin only, you will make very little revenue unless you sell bitcoin related things. Unfortunately, you will need Stripe or similar to capture most of your sales.
Why? I simply have to wrap it in a way that's easy, fast and professional to the buyer, maybe a neat invoice that can be paid from their bank account, and I earn BTC?
if you add the bitcoin logo please make it tiny
Fabicraft is a catchy name vs Fab's Fabrics
The logo ,on the left, is more appropriate as your company is "fabrication/nature/tradition/ground looks like wool and the niddle old school"
I am going by the assumption that you are a clothes store since there are references to craft in the text and needles in one of the pictures.
I would like to view this in two perspectives. One from a design perspective and the other from a user perspective. And in the end also provide suggestions.
Image 1: Strengths : The outlined circle in the first image can be interpreted as a sewing box.
Weakness : The instrument in the center does not resemble a needle. The thread in the supposed needle is not in the right place.
Image 2: Strengths
Clear imagery of a needle. And good placement in the center to highlight it. Proper placement of thread in the needle Minimalistic mountain imagery.
User perspective :
The mountains in both pictures gives me a feeling of scaling something and toughness. Needle makes me think of clothes.
Suggestions :
I think it would be super clear if you made a overcoat/suit/shirt dressing up the mountains and using the needle as a tie. Attached image reference
Awesome input! I'm going to be making outdoor / military accessories and pouches for backpacks, vests and the likes, and maybe later backpacks as well.
I like your take very well, but it doesn't yet picture what I'm actually going to be making..
You'd opt for the 2nd as well, hm?
Thank you for the response. Yes, I definitely prefer the second one. Perhaps one thing that the second one can pick from the first one is the clear circular outline.
Prefer the needle in 2nd. However like others I initially thought it was "Fabric Craft".
I'm neutral on the name, but would suggest that you do something like:
If you ever want to print tees, make sure your logo does not have too delicate features.
These might still work on tees though but not sure.
Or maybe I don't know what I am talking about, maybe you can print anything on a t-shirt since you can always add a background to have a easy rectangular shape? Better get @plebpoet's input on this. 👀
I am summoned. Hello ek. Also good logo chatGPT...
I knew you would comment on the GPT usage haha
I should have added the following hash to my mention to prove it because then I could have revealed the preimage which is "plebpoet will comment about the GPT usage" 👀
wow 😮 nerd
That's as close as it gets to receiving a Love-Letter from the great @ek, you should count yourself lucky 'cause even I haven't reached that stage yet... 🤭
These are only thought to be made as rectangular "tabs" (like those from clothing) which are then sewn into the Item's inner as a way to prove it's made by me. 😅
to prove it's made by me
but you let the robot make the logo...tsk tsk
if the first tsk tsk wasn't for me, that's the second tsk tsk for @Fabs 👀🔥
And Fabs grabbed it right by the horns!
What outdoorsman would give a flying f about the logo hidden inside?! It's about the craftsmanship of the item bought, not some fancy logo with my name on it. 😄
Mhh, then size might be an issue if the features are too delicate 👀
Yeah, I'll most likely only go for the name, an illustration and some colors.
Very nice. Also it's great that you've found joy in sewing. It's a skill I respect and I would like to brag about of I had it!
The logos look good with the exception of the small text unreadable on the top "Es". Maybe it's meant to "Established." with a date?
The bottom logo also looks nice but the small text under FABICRAFT is hard to read I can sort of see "design" on the right. Colors are very good with an outdoor/ tactical vibe. My favorite is the needle on the top one as it reminds me of a survival knife.
I wish you great success in your sales and craft.
Thanks! Yeah, I really dig the latter of the two, as I really like the colors used.
The details are fuzzy, like you said, but I feel like that's often the case with general prompts and AI, but that can be refined.
What about the names? Which one's more fitting in your opinion?
FABICRAFT Is a great name. Already your handle or name Fab suggests manufacturing.
I like the image on the left with the colors of the right side image.
The one on left - doesn't look like a needle at all. The one on the right - yes, it's a needle...but it kind of looks like an "anxious" needle, with the little anxiety lines coming off the top.
My thought would be to just make it really straightforward. Something like Fabs Handsewn Outdoor Gear- just that, in an interesting font. And then MAYBE a little graphic element. But I don't think the graphic element is critical.
Good luck on the business!
needle...but it kind of looks like an "anxious" needle, with the little anxiety lines coming off the top.
I really had to laugh from that! 😂
That's almost more akin to a sentence, though, then to a name, and I'm not gonna be able to fit that on a tag well.
Maybe use the needle for the I of "Fabicraft"? Maybe then people will like it more haha
It wouldn't be centered though ...
Oeh, yeah I'll have a play with that.
What about Fab-Craft. I like the circle with the threading needle and the mountains in the circle. Best of luck to you! 🙏🏻
Aaand another one! 🥲 What do y'all like that much about leaving the "I" out?
do you have anything to share on your brand? vision values audience product service. a logo is essence what encapsulates the brand; what people feel about the brand. choosing between those two logos is vague
Copy paste:
I've started sewing and found that I absolutely love it! I think I've got some potential and thus would like to have a try at starting something, thus the need for a name and logo.
I'm currently working on pouches for (Molle) belts and backpacks, and will expand from there with other backpack accessories like bottle holder, canteen pouches, beaver tails, custom pieces and other pouches, maybe even a selfmade backpack once I'm capable enough!
To make it short: Outdoor stuff.😁
The second logo is better suited to your brand. Fab Fabrics or Fab Craft both are awesome. If you're just into fabrics ... Fab&Fab or just Fab's Fab can do it. You know the shorter, the better.
I'd like to have it feature both an abbreviation of my name as well as a link to what I do, which both seem to achieve very well, IMHO.
Why not just Fabcraft?
The logo on the right is better.
I don't like it, feels like there's something missing.
Ok. Well you should go with your gut.
I prefer the second logo, because in the second logo there are many images of layered hills which depict sewing specifically for those who like camping in hilly forests, the needle has thread, as if the needle is used as a tool for sewing according to needs. .
Hm, interesting take, good one.
What about a logo depicting a barn quilt that looks like a set of mountains?
Hm, that's more reminiscent of farming, foods and such, than of sewing and handcrafts, no?
Customers like to reminisce ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
If you're soley focused on the fabric aspect, I can see why you wouldn't want to add too many concepts. But also don't paint yourself into a corner.
They both look pretty cool. But I would want to know more. About the business to know what fits. I am also probably biased against them being chat gpt created. To me, something created that way can't make as much impact, because it isn't as real. That's just my view though. They are great looking logos.
I think you should choose the second one. It is a fairly complete logo that conveys a message, a message that transmits, connects and leads people who see it to recognize that this is your brand.
They both look cool! However, I'll prefer the first one!
You are taking help of Ai you should use Co pilot and some Al which is speacly made for graphic designing Ai beside this I like 2 one
In the first logo, the needle looks like its going through layers of fabric. I think this reflects the actual business more.
It also illicits a sense of "the rural tapestry", "we are all part of a larger quilt", Appalachia, etc.
There is some noise with the threads tho. They don't seem to connect to anything
Yep, good points, agree.
I like the first one
i think i prefer the first one, I'm a sucker for a logo with a circle in it tho
why not FabriCraft? FabriCraft would put the "fabric" in the name and with the uppercase, separate Frabric and Craft and make both easily recognizable. I prefer the second logo!
Meh, "Fab's Fabrics" conveys that idea better, no?
What about FABrics? Fab's Fabrics plays it awfully straight
Hm, kinda looks like someone sneezed and made a typo before sending the logo off to the printer, no? 😅
I like the top one more, but not sure why:)