That's a ridiculous statement for me. Even in hyperbitcoinblabla world, where states won't be able to print to finance wars, we'll still have conflicts guerillas and proxies wars. Money printing gone would be huge step tho.
Do you want to be bitcoin only place ? It is not.
States will be obsolete soon. Bitcoin will make them obsolete. Only govs start wars, not individuals. Better Believe it
btw.. nice to see you reveal yourself as a shitcoiner.
I think you're delusional, Bitcoin won't end states or wars. Individuals do war, for other individuals. You can call them state government etc they are still humans individuals.
What is your definition of shitcoiner ?
You've just described your mind that is a shitcoiner fiat mentality, that sees only wars and destruction.
Bitcoin will change you, eventually, if you are not going to die in those wars you promote.
In fact this is quite the opposite not talking about it and not understanding anything of it serves propaganda and servility of the people. More ignorance and propaganda => More support from dumb population. It's not like I posted some garbage corporate media.
"If wars can be started by lies peace can start by truth."
I don't promote shit and thanks for caring, I hope u won't die in a war u didn't promote.