pull down to refresh

The wife and I were drinking our coffee, while a fair bit of commotion was coming from our daughter in the bathroom.
She came out and very shyly said "'Scuse me."
We've been working with her on manners and not interrupting, so this was very encouraging.
She continued very sweetly, "There's a pwoblem in the potty."
That was decidedly less encouraging.
What happened afterwards? I'm excited!
It was really nothing, but we found the build up quite funny. She thought she had clogged the toilet with too much paper, but it flushed fine for us, so who knows.
Thank you for sharing such a unique and special scene of your daughter with us. Being a father is a magical experience. Knowing what each word means. Knowing what her world is like is something that connects you with them as a father. Continue to show love to your daughter and don't stop sharing her stories.
What exactly happened?! Don’t leave us in the dark
It was anticlimactic. The story's better with the cliff hanger.
From beginning till end and even after it, you're leaving us with a lot of questions.
  • What was that commotion for?
  • Scuse me? What's that?;)
  • Pwoblem in the potty? What's that?
  • Why less encouraging?
  1. Not sure. Four year olds make a lot of commotion and it's seldom clear why.
  2. "'scuse me" is how she adorably pronounces "Excuse me."
  3. "Pwoblem" is how she adorably pronounces "problem". "Potty" is what little kids call the toilet.
  4. There aren't many good scenarios that involve a problem in the potty.
I asked it for @grayruby who needed a part two. ;)
Is this a 2 part series?
The people need to know what the state of the potty was.
Honestly, we don't know what the problem was either. There was an excessive amount of toilet paper, but it flushed just fine.
It’s probably a good thing for you guys that it was really nothing but I was hoping for something hilarious.
I was sort of hoping for something more, too.
Sometimes, due to young children being not as strong, they might release the flush lever / button to quickly or not activate the flush lever / button all the way. That causes the tank of water to not completely release, and thus, making the toilet to not flush fully or not flush at all.
Other times, it's simply clogged. Speaking of clogged toilets, somehow, my older son used to often clog both our toilet at home, and also friends' and family's toilets. His toilet clogging trophies include my parents', father in law's, both of my 2 sister in laws', 2 of my cousins', 2 of wife's friends', 1 of my friends', twice when we were traveling in the hotel, and of course, numerous times at home. One time, our toilet got clogged so bad, the plunger wasn't able to solve the problem, and I went to Home Depot to buy a toilet auger to take care of it. That was also the first time I learned about the toilet auger.
Haha. Clogged toilet adventures are some of the least fun adventures.
The adventures were fine, and long as he doesn't do the second flush to cause an overflow. But having it happen at other people's homes, were quite embarrassing.
One of my nostr friends commented that they had to replace their toilets with larger drain options, because their two year old was such a prolific clogger.
Haha, kids are simply amazing!
My guess was that she just didn't fully engage the lever, btw. That's something I've seen her do before.
Haha Whenever they look bashful, you know something happened! They somehow pulled one over you.
“Daddy poo poo no go down!”
I didn't see any poop, which is always a best case scenario.
I didn’t see it, but I could smell it somewhere in the room…