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Such a WILD and just unhinged thing to do 🤦‍♂️ I mean to freaking up it in writing just shows how little people think now 🤦‍♂️
It's hard to exaggerate the degree to which these people believe everyone thinks just like them. It's literally beyond belief to them that someone they work with might be on "the other side".
Its wild to me how the idea of “helping a neighbor in need” has just died in some people.
Makes me think of those supposed cases of Democrats trying to get their immigrant neighbors deported for supporting Trump.
Gotta love how citizens vote and you can't deport a citizen! Such stupid logic 🤦‍♂️
That's pretty fucked up if true.
Oh they have already been fired because the texts came out 🤦‍♂️ I mean Jesus how dumb do you have to be
Imagine not helping someone in a disaster area because of politics? You have to be a special type of mentally ill to do that....
Honestly thank GOD she was fired and it was some suspension. Imagine someone dying in one of those homes because of her gross negligence
It's pretty gross.
Lmao, might as well lecture them on nutrition too
No one should help this FEMA official.
If she needs medical attention. ignore her