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I almost laughed out loud when I read this quote:
The spoils system was replaced by the current merit-based system where career employees serve multiple administrations, carrying out their jobs independent of politics.
Government service, as is called in India, is hugely respected. Even a person employed by government has much much higher chances of a good marriage in comparison to a much more earning person employed elsewhere.
I don't understand why people rushing behind them. A secure job is one reason but that can't be the only reason that a person might prove good husband or have a better life.
No government aget, what I call them, work free from politics. They have to adapt a lot here. Even governments manipulate the large government service sector to advertise their policy here. You can see now that many government plans run by the name of PM or CM in India. They are all advertised on government stationery or buildings. There are photos of political leaders in power and servants carry them forward to the public.
This is a shameless practice and I equally blame puppet government servants for it.
lol. Federal Workforce begins to feel like "normal workers". They are nervous.
They spoils system was replaced by the civil service system, who many think is exactly the opposite of a merit based system of employment. If it was merit based, we wouldn’t have such sh*tty service from our civil overlords. I can’t wait to see Musk dismiss 80% of the federal workforce. The tears and crying and wining will be priceless. They should feel the dread after making us feel the dread of the dead hand of the state for so long. I love the “Garbageman” theme that DJT made and used. Garbagemen get rid of trash!
That's sort of true. For the most part, they are Democrat operatives, regardless of which side wins.
That is why Musk will be the most valuable person in the administration, especially if he rigorously applies Pareto’s 80/20 rule!
He should apply it twice: only keep 4% and still get 64% of the productivity.
I don’t disagree with that either! However, there would be mutiny everywhere, even in places he needs some people on hand.
It doesn't have to be all at once. Do it once immediately and then do it again the following year.
Maybe do the first 80% over a few weeks, then the next 80% over a year makes sense. Of course, Musk and Trump would have to survive long enough to do it. The way the communists are talking, that remains to be seen.
The levels of insanity of that people are as surreal as worrisome.
Unions that represent federal employees are gearing up for the fight.
Public employees shouldn't have unions. Any grievances should be addressed at the ballot box. Finally US citizens, the customers, took the opportunity.
Merit based since when?
Edit: Remember when Scott Walker ended collective bargaining for public sector employees in Wisconsin? 2011 insanity
Public sector unions operate like the mafia
CDC needs a reset
hell yeah! fire 99% of the deep state and make the last 1% fight it out in the gulag
As in federal employees’ job performance leaves much to be desired, regardless of who’s in charge?
I am unfamiliar with the spoils system
Required viewing regarding changing the Administrative State.
Crony capitalism.
I refuse to use the term government "worker"
that's a desecration of the word work.
They're employees.