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123 sats \ 8 replies \ @DarthCoin 12 Nov 2024 \ on: Will a big bullrun see more people join stacker news? AskSN
When I see people using these wall street terms like bullrun, bullish, bearish etc I see only fiat maxis that have no idea what is Bitcoin for.
sadly, whether you like it or not, a fiat price going up lures more people into learning about bitcoin.
if there was no fiat price action, it would just some highly niche thing traded between a minuscule group of OGs and would have absolutely zero impact on the world or humanity.
then you would be sat in your basement waxing lyrical about being sovereign with 7 million bitcoins that had no use to anyone
I wish BTC price will go to $1 so all fiat maxis like you will go away.
Bitcoin is not for you.
we are forced to keep conflicting ideas in mind because others hold on to the bad ideas, and without interaction with other creators on earth it would be a boring place. i think everyone deserves to learn about the better way of life. the challenge is to trick them into it.
the rising $/btc price is the analogy of bitcoin's value to people. because the personas worship a money god, we'll have to use the price as the bait, for now. i think that the numerical memes of bitcoin price are pretty good as an occultic tool, to liberate people's mind with some humor, even for a moment.
for the very few that do not care about the god of money, other tactics may work.
I suggest to all those focused only on the price of BTC in terms of fiat to read this old article by Jeffrey Tucker in 2014
Thanks for the reference! I haven’t read this before
that's not how life works im afraid Darth, you think you can't gatekeep bitcoin and how other people use it , want to use it or think about it . and just because someone who doesn't use it or think about it the same way as you is wrong or a fiat maxi. you're just arrogant.
shit, you probably look down your nose at people as inferior if they purchase groceries with fiat because they're 'stupid'.
if something happened that did result in bitcoin's drop to the exchange value of 1 dollar, that would be the end of bitcoin , period, the death of the network and the destruction of people's faith.
it wouldn't be a good thing, you'd love it sitting on your high horse though
No, the end of bitcoin is when stubborn people still use fiat.
The BTC price in fiat it means nothing.

Excellent answer 👌