Today I was a guest in one of my colleague's classes. It was a 5th grade class and the teacher was such a nice person to the kids. She had put so much work into the preparation and too much thought into the implementation.
But the whole lesson she had planned exploded.
Two boys were enough to destroy everything.
But this was different from normal kids testing their limits and testing the teachers.
They just had absolutely no respect for her. They called her names with their 10 years that I was not even aware of at that age.
The amount of disrespect was staggering.
It was very hard to watch and at one point I asked her if I could step in. I did not want to steal her show and destroy her authority once and for all.
She agreed.
So I took over and disciplined the little bastards.
The Fiat world produces Fiat children.
What went wrong?
In this shitty society where Fiat destroys everything, I mean everything!
Fiat Money Destroys Social Structure Through Social Security
Fiat Social Structures Destroy Families
Fiat Families Destroy Values and Manners
Fiat values destroy children
Fiat children destroy their peers.
This is my theory!
It's so hard to see.
This is what I fight against every day at school!
I fight for:
Freedom and Responsibility!
Values and norms!
Proof of work!
Until tomorrow's story!