Damn 😂😂
It's either really dumb since ge's overpaying so much in a bear market...
or really smart since the thing with all the serious and famous people without any profit can easily be turned around
Let's see in 10 years, I will make no bet 😂😂
Elon being so future focused and then doubling down on centralized social media when social media innovation is all happening in the decentralized space, shows that his vision for the future of humanity is a Borg colony.
Innovation is happening in the decentralized space, but he doesn't mind his app being centralized, if he's in control.
The Chinese app Weibo kinda does everything, social media, chat, payments (which is partnered w/ alibaba, their amazon) of course, when companies get this big, they are basically part of the state. Elon musk likes to have spicy tweets and hates taxes but whether we are talking about tesla, or space x, his #1 customer is the government.
The super-rich hate anything or anyone being more powerful than him. Thats why I wish he'd see: a centralized app + time = a governmentcompromised app. But the rich also have egos. This is good in a sense that if no one took themselves really seriously, no one would ever think they can send people to other planets. What I'm saying is, he thinks he can remain in control. I don't think he can.
I agree with all that but he is a statist and doesn't hate taxes.
going to make X
Hmmm, I was looking forward to court shenanigan