How is bitcoin an improvement on this? Bitcoin is also secured with guns, vaults, etc. You can just beat somebody until they give you access to their bitcoin.
The problem isn’t the currency. The problem is the single point of failure in storage, which frankly Bitcoin is worse about than Gold at this moment
No. The problem is the education. People don't want to read documentation and learn to do things by themselves. They just "google-it".
Bitcoin is also secured with guns, vaults, etc
You have no idea what is bitcoin.
You can just beat somebody until they give you access to their bitcoin.
No. Just no. Even if they beat you, they know that if they kill you they get shit. Being scared of this useless threats works only on NPCs. Not on bitcoiners.
You must learn more about what is bitcoin and how it works. Start here:
People don't want to read documentation and learn to do things by themselves. They just "google-it".
Ignoring that “googling it” is the first step to reading documentation, I think what you’re referring to is the desire to outsource things to third parties.
The idea that a person needs to “be their own bank” in order to use bitcoin is retarded. I don’t want to constantly worry about $100k worth of bitcoin no matter how many redundancies I have. Humans outsource things like that so that they can live their lives. They delegate.
If you want to be a homesteader, that is great. But stop the cargo cult.
You have no idea what is bitcoin.
Is it true or not that cold storage is recommended for large amounts of bitcoin? Now how do you secure a cold wallet? How is that different from securing gold?
Even if they beat you, they know that if they kill you they get shit. Being scared of this useless threats works only on NPCs. Not on bitcoiners.
How is this different from anything else? Your bank pincode, etc. Everyone breaks under torture, do you understand that? You think being a bitcoiner somehow removes your survival instinct and makes you stronger than the most well trained CIA operative?
You must learn more about what is bitcoin and how it works.
Lazy elitist responses like this come from a place of fear. You are so insecure about the value prop of bitcoin that you have to paint any and all pushback as silly or elementary. Be confident and address what I’m saying like an adult.
By the way, your articles are not good. You need an editor.
I don’t want to constantly worry about $100k worth of bitcoin no matter how many redundancies I have.
Just by that stupid phrase you demonstrate:
  • you know nothing about bitcoin
  • you have a deep fiat mentality (sheep mentality) - you need to change that in order to understand Bitcoin
  • you still don't understand the main rule of Bitcoin: Bitcoin is RESPONSIBILITY for your actions and yourself. If you cannot do that, you are doomed to fail.