How about a little levity, some Friday fun?
Remember the old "You might be a redneck if..." shtick by Jeff Foxworthy from the 1990s?
Two that I remember went like this:
- If you gave your wife earrings that double as fishing lures, you might be a redneck.
- If you think the "Nutcracker Suite" is something you do off the diving board, you might be a redneck.
What about a bitcoin version: You might be a bitcoiner if...
- If you speak fluent hodl and fud, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If you think seeds do not need dirt, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If "hashrate" to you doesn't mean weed-per-week, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If your safe word is vByte, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If you think cold is better than hot, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If your family has called you a retard, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If an obvious eyeroll is seen after "bitcoin" comes out of your mouth, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If "back in the day" refers to any time longer than two weeks ago, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If your family Thanksgiving dinner conversation includes, "Okay, here we go...," you might be a bitcoiner.
- If someone threatens to zap you and you're happy, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If your bedroom has purple drapes and an orange comforter, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If you talk about Alice and Bob, but don't know anyone named Alice and Bob, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If your food pyramid consists of protein, protein, protein, and steak, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If pizza is a holiday, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If you've unfriended someone when they asked, "So, how much bitcoin do you...," you might be a bitcoiner.
- If you've considered "more sats" instead or "more food," you might be a bitcoiner.
- If you read, "Bitcoin is dead," and begin to salivate, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If you once did an hour of work to earn two sats and were thrilled when you got them, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If you hear a report including CBDC, SEC, LN, UTXO, CFTC and don't miss a beat, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If your scrolling has more ostriches and honey badgers than cats and dogs, you might be a bitcoiner.
- If you feel that the new year starts on January 3, you might be a bitcoiner.
We need more...

Image source: with prompt: a good ol' boy redneck bitcoiner with a tractor and anything else that looks redneck and bitcoin
Apparently, according to AI image generation, bitcoin is good for your health.
🤣 it was spectacular, and with this list my wife can finally certify that I am a Bitcoiner. This is where I fit in!hahaha