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The forker astroturf is back, and the timing is not a coincidence..
These ego-centric crusaders can't accept that Bitcoin doesn't need them, and that their fragile ETH-lite scripting delusions are nonsense...
Bitcoin is just fine and they're spiteful about it. Nothing more.
yes, post #779927 has the feel of an infomercial
They waste years on retarded ideas based on fallacies. Soft forkers are equivalent to the libtard elite thinking they know what's best for Bitcoin. They argue they know what's best for Bitcoin, just like the small minority elite in every government, thinking that they know what's best for the common man.
These are all gay and retarded ideas:
OP_VAULT because we already have multi sig and metal geo located backups. Physical multisig is superior. No need for a wasteful soft fork.
OP_CAT because it does not scale onchain. Onchain does not sCaLe by design, for the very simple concept that we want everyone to run a node for mass decentralization. Cat just enables more shitcoin non monetary use cases which washes out any monetary use cases like multi party LN channels.
Soft forkers can go fork themselves!
Soft forkers are equivalent to the libtard elite thinking they know what's best for Bitcoin
Perfect analogy, I almost wrote something to the effect that next they'll be on MSNBC telling us how safe and effective their forks are
There's absolutely a left coding to it, lots of virtue signaling cope over the fact that Bitcoin is money and doesn't solve for that there are just some people that don't have money
Ossification vs. Soft forks
I'll take my popcorn.
People will always want a piece of something that they know is good. hence the jealousy.
No, no!! They think that they are right and everyone else is wrong! They feel they should impose their “rightness” or should I say “righteousness” on everyone else. Every time I see them an image comes to mind; Hare Krishnas doing their dance and chant at me.
Exactly, people love a good virtue signal... and pushing forks it's more virtuey than just using and building on the best money
There are always crusaders in every sphere of life. They just don’t give up on their special thing. It is best not to ignore them though, because they can make a mess of things if you turn your back on them, like chimpanzees on a rampage.
The irony is that Bitcoin works precisely because it's resistant to them, but yes eternal vigilance is required... Hense the post, can't allow them to create the illusion of consensus
With them, there is usually no consensus. It usually comes down to slamming the door or turning your back on them. However, you cannot ignore their presence for your own safety.
I don't like the way these things are periodically pushed. But on the other hand I also don't like how people here are ignoring the fact that there is not enough block space for every person on the planet to open a single lightning channel.
Blockspace is not the limiting factor, we can open a billion channels PER YEAR as it is, and yet no one is using this channel batching because there's no demand.
There is no fork, short of a supply increase (extra decimals), that scales ownership beyond that. It's a completely false narrative, astroturfed by fake L2 companies pushing trusted sidechain scams like Ark.
Does batching help? Has somebody run the numbers? Doesn't the single transaction size scale linearly with the number of the inputs and outputs? Can you show me to a transaction in the mempool with batched channel creation? (Even a test one)
Why are they using fucking X? Musk won't let me register proton.me account to follow the discussions!
If you depend on a bot farm and retards to manufacture social consensus where else would you go?
I think they need consensus among the node runners. SN is where we lurk!
Seems like they made a decision and can't seem to come to terms with the consequences.
Who? Where?