In X I follow a Cuban who emigrated a long time ago and now lives in Sweden. Every day he writes about the situation on the island, his history and many other details. His way of writing is wonderful, he writes and expresses himself in such a way that it is impossible not to get hooked on reading. He also writes poetry. I want to contact him to invite him to SN and have him write here too because I know he has potential. I will leave his X username here for anyone who wants to follow him:

Correcting spelling and grammar tirelessly. This profile defends the Spanish language and freedom of expression, but we do not tolerate socialism.
Here is the first time I read it: (translated)
I was born in Cuba. Sometimes, as a joke or out of exhaustion, I say that it was by mistake. I don't believe in witchcraft or saints, although my mother did. I don't like bembé drumming. Or popular festivals, or molotes or collective noises. I listen to very little music in Spanish. I don't like Cuban singers. I've loved country music since I discovered it. I don't smoke or drink coffee. I hate alcohol. I've only gotten drunk once in my life, when I was 17, out of teenage stupidity. I woke up sleeping in the dog teeth of a cove in Varadero. I don't believe in racism or discrimination. Of course they exist, and I've suffered it on my skin thousands of times. Inside and outside of Cuba. But I can't stand the victimization of those who can prove the opposite and prefer to isolate themselves. I learned, from my mother, that above me there are only clouds. That has been enough to send every idiot who crosses my path to hell. I don't support a black person because I am one. Nor do I support a Cuban because he has my nationality. I defend the human being, whoever he may be, if I believe that he should receive support. I make mistakes, hundreds, every day, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I don't believe in the feminist groups drugged by the left. Nor in the LGBT tribe that considers it more important to celebrate a month of pride to take off their clothes than to respect themselves and accept themselves as they are. I am terrified of religion that imposes dogmas, restrictions. I talk about politics all the time. I see no reason not to. I write daily. It is a personal need, on and off social media. I don't do it to please anyone, but myself. I don't ask permission to give opinions. I don't expect anyone to share or applaud them. I don't need praise or congratulations. I defend freedom of expression, but in my X account I am in charge. If I block you, it is my right. If I silence you, it is also my right. Just as you can do the other way around. It is my door, my balcony. If you want to shout, do it from yours. I am not a patriot, nor an opponent, nor an activist, I have said it before. I am not fighting for the freedom of Cuba. That does not exist. Freedom is personal, and I managed mine alone, immersed in what was once a country. I went to the regime's schools. They indoctrinated me as a child, but they did not break me. They humiliated me, they harassed me and karma took them all. I opened my eyes, then my mind, then my reasoning, then my critical analysis. I do not worship politicians nor do I believe in the opposition anywhere. Nobody represents me and I do not aspire for anyone to do so. I am my homeland and my country. I do not feel Swedish nor do I want to pretend to fit in. On many, many occasions, I do not feel Cuban either. I do not see pride in it, to be honest. Mentioning the word anywhere raises alarms, suspicions, doubts. I don't miss anything about Cuba, not its food or its places. I grew up in a vacant lot that I left behind while people of my generation were drowning in drugs, the dominoes on the corner and the constant loss of time. I didn't do anything extraordinary: I studied, I improved myself, I learned, I read. I never felt envious of anything or anyone despite having less than a bare zero. My father transmitted his constant joy to me. My mother took it away from me with her perpetually stubborn face. I had girlfriends of all races and today I enjoy the best wife in the world. I don't follow the masses or join groups or organizations. Being a hermit was my saving mantra in Cuba. I don't trust sweet words or stories of Messiahs. I expect little, or almost nothing, from others and that's why I've had very few disappointments. I tell stories that I see out there. I love to discover lies about the Cuban revolution. I tell everyone I can that Che Guevara was a murderer and Fidel Castro a son of a bitch. I can express myself with kindness and patience, but I have insults from the dirtiest pit. I can't stand packages or speed from anyone. I have more than I need to live. I believe in love, sex and traveling all the time to see the world. The left, socialism and communism should move to another planet. My blood boils when a foreign idiot claims to know more about Cuba than I do. I don't have to raise my voice for anyone because even the mute make sounds of complaint. I always considered Havana a fetid and rancid place. I love to recreate old images of what was once a real capital. I don't repeat what others say. I don't join in or join the crowd. In short, I'm a normal guy.
I like it better in Spanish, the words rhyme more because that was the intention when it was written, I'll leave it here too:
Nací en Cuba. A veces, por broma o por cansancio, digo que fue por equivocación. No creo en la brujería ni en los santos, aunque mi madre sí le metía. No me gustan los toques de bembé. Ni las fiestas populares, ni los molotes o bullas colectivas. Escucho poquísima música en español. No me gustan los cantantes cubanos. Adoro la música country desde que la descubrí. No fumo ni tomo café. Odio el alcohol. Me emborraché solo una vez en mi vida, a los 17 años, por estupidez de la adolescencia. Amanecí durmiendo en los dientes de perro de una caleta en Varadero. No creo en el racismo ni en la discriminación. Claro que existen, y yo lo he sufrido en la piel miles de veces. Dentro y fuera de Cuba. Pero no soporto la victimización de quienes pueden demostrar lo contrario y prefieren aislarse. Aprendí, por mi madre, que por encima de mí solo están las nubes. Eso ha sido suficiente para mandar al carajo a cuanto idiota se me cruza en el camino. No apoyo a un negro porque yo lo sea. Ni apoyo a un cubano porque tenga mi nacionalidad. Defiendo al ser humano, sea quien sea, si creo que deba recibir apoyo. Cometo errores, cientos, a diario, y asumo totalmente la responsabilidad de mis actos. No creo en los grupos feministas drogados por la izquierda. Ni en la tribu LGBT que considera más importante celebrar un mes de orgullo para quitarse la ropa que darse a respetar ante sí mismos y aceptarse como son. Me da pavor la religión que imponga dogmas, restricciones. Hablo de política todo el tiempo. No veo razón para no hacerlo. Escribo a diario. Es una necesidad personal, dentro y fuera de las redes sociales. No lo hago para complacer a nadie, sino a mí mismo. No pido permiso para dar opiniones. No espero que nadie las comparta o aplauda. No necesito loas ni felicitaciones. Defiendo la libertad de expresión, pero en mi cuenta de X mando yo. Si te bloqueo, es mi derecho. Si te silencio, también. Como mismo puedes hacer tú al revés. Es mi portal, mi balcón. Si quieres gritar, hazlo desde el tuyo. No soy patriota, ni opositor, ni activista, lo he dicho antes. No lucho por la libertad de Cuba. Eso no existe. La libertad es personal, y la mía me la gestioné solito, sumido en eso que en algún momento fue país. Fui a las escuelas del régimen. Me adoctrinaron de pequeño, pero no me quebraron. Me humillaron, me acosaron y el karma se los llevó a todos. Abrí los ojos, luego la mente, luego el raciocinio, luego el análisis crítico. No adoro políticos ni creo en la oposición de ningún lugar. Nadie me representa y no aspiro a que nadie la haga. Yo soy mi patria y mi país. No me siento sueco ni quiero pretender encajar. En ocasiones, muchas, muchísimas, tampoco me siento cubano. No veo orgullo en ello, la verdad. Mencionar la palabra en cualquier lugar despierta alarmas, sospechas, dudas. De Cuba no extraño nada, ni su comida ni sus lugares. Crecí en un solar que dejé atrás mientras la gente de mi generación se ahogaba en las drogas, el dominó de la esquina y la pérdida de tiempo constante. No hice nada extraordinario: estudié, me superé, aprendí, leí. Nunca sentí envidia de nada ni de nadie a pesar de tener menos que un cero desnudo. Mi padre me transmitió su alegría constante. Mi madre me la quitó con su cara de tranca perenne. Tuve novias de todas las razas y hoy disfruto de la mejor esposa del mundo. No sigo a la masa ni me uno a grupos u organizaciones. Ser ermitaño fue mi mantra salvador en Cuba. No confío en la palabra dulce ni en las historias de Mesías. Espero poco, o casi nada, de los demás y por eso he tenido muy escasas decepciones. Cuento historias que veo por ahí. Me encanta descubrir mentiras sobre la revolución cubana. Le digo a todo el que pueda que el Che Guevara fue un asesino y Fidel Castro un hijo de puta. Sé expresarme con amabilidad y paciencia, pero tengo insultos sacados de la fosa más sucia. No le aguanto paquetes ni velocidades a nadie. Tengo más de lo que necesito para vivir. Creo en el amor, en el sexo y en viajar todo el tiempo para conocer el mundo. La izquierda, el socialismo y el comunismo deberían mudarse para otro planeta. Me hierve la sangre cuando un idiota extranjero dice saber más de Cuba que yo. Yo no tengo que alzar la voz por nadie porque hasta los mudos emiten sonidos de queja. Siempre consideré a La Habana un lugar fétido y rancio. Adoro recrearme en las imágenes antiguas de lo que fuera una capital de verdad. No repito lo que dicen los demás. No hago coro ni me monto en la comparsa del populacho. En resumen, soy un tipo normal. • Here in SN there are Cuban stackers who are still there. These two months the electric service has worsened, yes, it seems that it can always get worse, I don't remember what their usernames are so I can mention them, if you know please let me know the name, I don't think they are very active in the community for the same reason I already mentioned. So I want to give visibility to what is happening there as well and share the reward with them, I have collected a lot of information both current and old.
I didn't pay close attention... I was just saying that what he had posted through that link was useful to me