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Feminism has contributed to the financialisation of almost every aspect of human life. Women now give birth and immediately after the baby has bonded to the mother they hand their childs care over to a paid carer who has no genetic bond or investment in the child. Preschool children now often bond and rebond to multiple carers creating a deeply dysfunctional psycho-social-emotional framework. Tantamount to abuse even if not done intentionally. The paid carers work under a corporate model where there is no love and all focus is on profit. Feminism has substantially degraded womens lives and those of their children and communities. Feminism is materialism at its worst. It is responsible for a global genocide of unborn children.
Those daycares you describe sound pretty awful. Luckily our son is thriving under the care of some of the most loving people I've ever met.
I've also met many women who adhere to feminist principles while at the same time being amazing mums. Those two are not exclusive where i live and where I've lived.
It's not feminism, friend. Instead people, 2 people, have to work just to pay the bills.
Fiat money, government money, combined with government debt has driven up borrowing costs, not to mention inflation in many places.
People can't save... and it shows in families. Women 'go back to work' after childbirth because they have no other choice.
Nonsense. Feminism looks down on motherhood and family while holding paid career as the thing to aspire to. And masses of women have bought into this materialist BS. Feminism has caused the genocide of millions of unborn children and more are killed everyday in the name of preserving and advancing womens career prospects. Women do not need to work, they choose to work because they have been brainwashed by feminism and the corporate slavery that it aligns with.
What about men? Perhaps they should stay home and look after children? And then the women, at least some women, can go to work and earn for the family?
That way the children get cared for (by men) and the women can go 'earn a living' for the family. What's wrong with this? ?
Men and woman are not the same. The genders have evolved to perform very different roles in the raising of children.
This absolutely unnatural nonsense that feminism has rammed down peoples throats for decades is destroying the family and society.
You do not understand the complex bonding that occurs between the child and the mother in the early months of life.
Instead you think it is ok to break that bond forcing men into an unnatural role or by sending children into the care of unrelated paid corporate childcare workers. This is tantamount to child abuse but you don't even realise it.
It is such completely confused and dysfunctional thinking that is causing an epidemic of transgender confusion and other symptoms of societal decay.
Well... if you had daughters you would be singing a different tune. And encouraging them to get as much education as possible, as long as they wanted to, to pursue anything they wanted in life. Regardless of what random dudes on the internet (without the same education) felt.
my 2 sats
Have three daughters.
Do not want them to feel forced to try to pretend to be the same as men...despite feminist society trying to force this upon them.
Do support and encourage them in being women and living a life consistent with their potential as a woman....not in trying to be something they are not.
Have seen how destructive this has been to women of my generation.
Well then we respectfully disagree. If women 'want to work' and in fact earn an advanced education... they should do exactly that. It is their life and 100% up to them.
Had you been born a woman (by total chance) you would be singing a different tune. Just as you are now by any suggestion that men should 'stay home' and care for the children.
Had you been born a woman (again by total chance) you would not want to limit half the population, you would want the same opportunities as anyone else.
They are misusing societies resources and creating a burden. Of course you think this is ok because you think the individual can do as they please and owes nothing to the society that raised and supports them.
Women are not the same as men and pretending that they can be does not change their very different inherent characteristics and potentials...it results instead in a dysfunctional society- this can be seen very clearly today by anyone with their eyes open and not blinded by feminist dogma.
Feminism is explicitly based on delusional thinking.
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