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I edited the book "Kicking the Hornet's Nest" with all of Satoshi's writings. It's free, but there's a printed version also on Lulu and Amazon. Of course, they only take fiat. I want to offer "Kicking" for sale via bitcoin.
Here's what I want to happen:
  1. Simple web form...person clicks buy-with-bitcoin. They enter their shipping address, they send BTC.
  2. I get notified of shipping address and proof of payment.
  3. I ship book.
I understand that btcpay is likely the gold standard for this and I've watched a few videos on it. But, that might be getting ahead of things at this point. Maybe in the future.
I'm looking for simple...I'm considering doing this just via dm and trust (trust is required anyway when buying online). I'd be saying, "You send me X sats and include your shipping address, I promise I'll send you the book." However, I'm sure there are more professional options out there.
SN has all the smart bitcoin kids, so I'm asking, "What are my options?"
Great idea. Is this something that would work as a post in ~AGORA ?
Didn't know about this. Looking at it, this is SN classified or Craig's list I'm guessing.
The nice thing about BTCPay is it’s not just the payment gateway, but a full invoice lifecycle tool for your shop.
You can integrate it into other platforms too like Shopify and woocommerce. It’s worth it if you plan to taking sats for products. There are hosted solutions too, such as https://voltage.cloud
I think that doing that transaction through Lnp2pbot would be a good option... It is easy to use, its commission is reasonable and both parties can trust that no one will fail, as long as both parties comply everything works perfectly. I have seen that there they usually place Orders related to mentoring and other services.
This is why I asked here. I hadn't heard of that one but I'll check it out. Thanks.