What is your favorite podcast on 2.0? Long the same lines: Favorite Bitcoin podcast and less known/popular podcast?
Also why GitHub and not GitLab?
GitHub vs. GitLab: We‘ve hosted our projects on GH from the beginning and moving just for the sake of moving would be a big distraction I assume. However, we are monitoring alternatives and would be willing to move, if the situation requires it, e.g. with censorship.
Good on you. Use what works for the project.
Favorite 2.0: The Podcasting 2.0 Podcast – oh, how meta is that? Hehe, it‘s because they talk a lot about the development, how to approach Podcasting 2.0 and they explore this new space. That‘s what I like about it. And listening to Adam Curry is entertaining.
Favorite in general: Stephan Livera does a very good job on economic and technical topics, I really like what he does!
Lesser known: Bitcoin OP_UXUI, very good in-depth discussions about user experience and related things in Bitcoin.
The german scene has some very good shows as well, they obviously are for a german-speaking audience, but tbh I have weeks in which my backlog is so full, that I can listen to very good content from my home country only.