People think they are going to use stablecoins over Taro in routing to earn more money, but in fact will just wind up losing them Bitcoin.
"Hey, I'm gonna be a Taro edge node for users to connect to to make money!" Then 6 months later: "I have no idea how trading works!
Mark my words. You will see this happening.
I want to spend more time understanding Taro, but its my opinion that the only people its useful to is a business that needs/wants their accounting done in the local currency and will use lightning as a low-fee currency-agnostic transport. I think this could be a self-hosted version of, but I have more to learn.
Yes, for that was designed. But many people will try "shitcoininzing it" with all kind of crap tokens and will try to fool idiots to buy them as "investment".
Scammers will always try to scam.
Taro is going to expose all the closet shitcoiners in the Bitcoin community. 😅
Agree. Besides, I worry we might see some negative impact on the use of bitcoin over LN due to Gresham's Law.
If we have more usage on the blockchain, isn't that a net gain?
It's a pretty good outcome if we short-term use less BTC and more fiat as long as it leads to massive Bitcoin Blockchain adoption. Don't look at this in a black-or-white way.
Once we have the fiat system settle on the Bitcoin blockchain, it's pretty easy to start switching to a Bitcoin Standard.
Once we have the fiat system settle on the Bitcoin blockchain,
LOL are you nuts? No wonder that bitcoin is not adopted... with mindset like this we will never get rid of fiat. Fiat is a disease and must go, in order to have a free world.
I'm not nuts, I'm being realistic and meeting the world where it's at.
Just open your eyes and see the world for what it is, not what we want it to be. Society never goes from 0 to 1 instantly.
Yeah, doesn't this generate impermanent loss?