HN used to have insightful comments, many of which were controversial and went outside groupthink.
Now it just looks like a bunch of redditors that pretend to understand technology because they wrote a script once.
Is every platform eventually destined to decay and degenerate?
I hang out in HN since 2009 and have a high karma. It used to be a community of founders or at least of people aspiring to start a company. Now it's a Glassdoor / for FAANG employees, especially among people with sufficient karma for downvoting. What interests them most is which FAANG company is hiring and the salaries. The comments nowadays often reflect the PC drivel that helps them succeed in the internal FAANG politics.
Exactly. Group-think at it's finest. Never spend time reading the comments there.
They're also incredibly pessimistic. A new startup is pitched and everyone replies "I can build that in a weekend".
HN is infested with california and west europe oh-so-enlightened techbro mentality. They love PoS and upvote crazy syckos who thinks the athmosphere will boil tomorrow if we don’t devote to silly solar punk projects.
Don't forget socialism. The first comment I see:
Wouldn’t it be cool if the rich outside of real estate helped revolutionize home building and access to home ownership in the middle of an international housing crisis instead of wasting their breath on this kiddie Monopoly money nonsense.
Totally failing to see where the "housing crisis" is coming from. But hey, let's force the rich to solve problems our stupid policies create!
If you dig through the garbage to the article Jack's use case is great-doing away with passwords. Kind of like SN!
The writer is the founder at yMedia. He ventured into crypto in 2013 and is an ETH maximalist. Twitter: @bhardwajshash
It will be fun to see in a few years if he will still be an "ETH maximalist"