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Congrats @Kontext!
All the best for the project.
additional 2% discount at checkout.
This means we get 4% discount?
this territory is moderated
Thank you! 🤠 As for the discount, this depends on the particular product and what the original discount rate (if any) is. For example currently we have Coinkite gift cards at a 5% discount whatever the payment method is. When paying in BTC there's additional 2% deducted from that discounted price at checkout. In addition, if you're registered on the website, then you get 1% back in Loyalty Points (calculated from the displayed price) as well.
So math wise, let's take $100 USD gift card: -5% original discount: $95 regardless of the payment method or whether you are registered or not. -2% BTC payment discount (from $95): $93.10 when paying in BTC whether you are registered or not. +1% bonus in Loyalty Points for registered members (from $95): $0.95 or 950 LP credited to your account (can be used for future purchases or Lightning withdrawals, 1000 sats minimum). So in total your best price would be $93.10 + $0.95 LP bonus = $92.15 net.
Hope this helps :)
I'll add some examples of the calculations to the FAQ soon as well.
Thank you so much sir. It's perfectly clear now.